Receive and Transform Sales Order Service (Deprecated)

Deprecated. Provides the ability to bring sales orders from different order capturing systems into Distributed Order Orchestration. It exposes multiple operations that users can choose to create orchestration order. This service was replaced by the Receive Order Request Service.

Life Cycle Status: Deprecated



Operation used to submit a sales order for Distributed Order Orchestration to initiate transformation.

Callback Operation Name:

Service Type: One Way

Input Payload

  • Description: The input payload has the sales order document. Data payload contains all the Order attributes including but not limited to inventoryItemId (ID of the item to be fulfilled), unitOfMeasure, orderedQuantity (the quantity of the ordered), dateRequested (arrival date or ship date) and so forth.

  • Type: {}SalesOrderOrchestrationServiceRequestMessage


Operation used to initiate the orchestration process.

Callback Operation Name:

Service Type: One Way

Input Payload

  • Description: The input payload contains all Order attributes including but not limited to inventoryItemId (ID of the item to be fulfilled), unitOfMeasure, orderedQuantity (the quantity of the ordered), dateRequested (arrival date or ship date) and so forth.

  • Type: {}SalesOrderOrchestrationServiceRequestMessage


Provides the ability to bring sales orders from external order capturing applications into Distributed Order Orchestration. It creates the order, assigns a process to it and launches the process.

Callback Operation Name:

Service Type: One Way

Input Payload

  • Description: The input payload has the sales order document. Data payload contains all the Order attributes including but not limited to inventoryItemId (ID of the item to be fulfilled), unitOfMeasure, orderedQuantity (the quantity of the ordered), dateRequested (arrival date or ship date) and so forth.

  • Type: {}SalesOrderOrchestrationServiceRequestMessage


Provides the ability for order capture applications to retrieve, view and analyze sales order item availability and promising options.

Callback Operation Name:

Service Type: One Way

Input Payload

  • Description: The input payload has the document which has one or more headers and one or more lines. Data payload contains all the Order attributes including but not limited to inventoryItemId (ID of the item to be fulfilled), unitOfMeasure, orderedQuantity (the quantity of the ordered), dateRequested (arrival date or ship date) and so forth.

  • Type: {}GetAvailabilityCheckRequestMessage


This operation is used to request that the order or fulfillment process be put on hold.

Callback Operation Name:

Service Type: One Way

Input Payload

  • Description: The input payload has the document which has one or more headers and one or more lines. Each line has OrderIdentifiers (Order Number, Fulfillment Line Number, Order ID, Fulfillment Line ID), holdCode (code that explains the reason for hold).

  • Type: {}RequestHoldRequestMessage


This operation is used to release the hold that was previously put on the order or fulfillment process.

Callback Operation Name:

Service Type: One Way

Input Payload

  • Description: The input payload has the document which has one or more headers and one or more lines. Each line has OrderIdentifiers (Order Number, Fulfillment Line Number, Order ID, Fulfillment Line ID), and holdCode (code that was sent with the RequestHold operation).

  • Type: {}ReleaseHoldRequestMessage


This synchronous operation provides the ability for order capture applications to retrieve, view and analyze sales order item availability and promising options.

Callback Operation Name:

Service Type: Synchronous

Input Payload

  • Description: The input payload contains the attributes including but not limited to inventoryItemId (ID of the item to be fulfilled), unitOfMeasure, orderedQuantity (the quantity of the ordered), dateRequested (arrival date or ship date) and so forth.

  • Type: {}GetAvailabilityCheckRequestMessage

Output Payload

  • Description: The output payload contains the attributes including but not limited to inventoryItemId (ID of the item to be fulfilled), available quantity and available date.

  • Type: {}GetAvailabilityCheckResponseMessage