Receive Fulffill Order Orchestration Task Response Service (Deprecated)

Deprecated. Provides the ability for applications to send the responses, typically acknowledgments and update statuses, for a fulfillment order when certain aspects of orchestration are delegated. This service was replaced by the Receive Fulfillment Task Response Service.

Life Cycle Status: Deprecated



Provides the ability for applications to send responses, typically acknowledgments and update statuses, for a fulfillment order when certain aspects of orchestration are delegated.

Callback Operation Name: processResponse

Service Type: Asynchronous

Input Payload

  • Description: The input payload has the Fulfillment Order document where the updates can be sent for the Fulfillment Task performed. Document may contain multiple fulfillment lines. Each line has fulfillment related attributes for example. Fulfilled date, fulfilled quantity, fulfill line status, fulfillment business keys, InvnetoryItemId and so forth. Implementers can customize and use many attributes from fulfillment order object needed to convey the status of the fulfillment task and fulfillment order in the system to which the orchestration was delegated.

  • Type: {}FulfillOrderResponseRequestMessage