Create Customer Volume Program

Here you'll learn how to create a customer volume program.

A customer volume program is created from a customer volume program type which acts as a template for the program.

The customer volume program type sets the default value for some of the attributes, such as default program currency, date context, and accrual calculation method.

  1. From the Navigator, click Customer Channel Management under Order Management to navigate to the Programs page.
  2. Click Create to create a new program. The New Program page appears.
  3. Select the Business Unit and the Program Type.
    Note: If your role has access to multiple business units and the default business unit is defined in the Default Business Unit profile option, then the default business unit defined is displayed when you create a new program. You can select another business unit to which you have access, if required.
  4. Enter a name for the program.
  5. Optionally, add the Promotion Code.
  6. Select the Date Context.
  7. Select the Start Date and End Date.
  8. Click Create.
  9. On the General tab:
    • Optionally, change the Status.
    • The Business Unit and Program Type you selected are displayed.
    • Optionally, change the Owner. Owner is defaulted to person logged in.
    • The Name and Promotion Code you entered are displayed. If required, you can change the name and promotion code.
      Note: If you don't add a promotion code, the application automatically generates this code.
    • Optionally, add a description.
    • Select a Currency. By default, this is the currency defined in the program type.
    • Enter an Estimated Amount.
    • By default, the calculation method is defined in the program type.
    • Optionally, add a comment for approvers.
    • In the Volumes rules region, click Add or Add Rule to add tiers rebate to your program. The New Tiered Rebate page opens.
      • Enter the name for the tier.
      • Select Tiers By from the list of values:
        • Sales: In the Tiers section, enter the Name, From, To, and the percentage of Rebate to define the tier rule.
        • Quantity: Enter the UOM, and in the Tiers section, enter the Name, From, To, and the amount of Rebate to define the tier rule.
          Note: You can have one or more tiers, however the first tier must start with a zero. The tiers also use continuous breaks, which means that the To value of one tier is the From value of the next tier. For example:
          • 0 – 50,000, receives a 2% discount
          • 50,000 – 5,00,000, receives a 5% discount
    • In the Products section:
      • Select the eligible product item for the tier rebate program. To add exclusion details for the item, click the Add icon.
      • Optionally, select the check box Include Volume Exclude Rebate to include the item only for the tier change but to exclude the item from any discount.
      • You can specify the date range for different product item within the range of the program.
      • If you don’t want to import or export product rules, then click Create and Close to return to the Program page.
      • To import or export product rules from Excel, select at least one product, and then click Manage in Excel. You can also import item and all items product rules.
      • After importing rules from the Excel, click Refresh Program After Excel to view product rules.
      • Click Update to return to the Program page.
    • In the Customer section, you can add customer qualifier and add eligibility conditions for multiple customers. To apply the program to all the customers, select Eligible for all Customers.
      Note: You can change the start date and end date if the program is in future date.
    • In the Beneficiary section, you can add beneficiary who will receive the accruals.
      Note: To add same beneficiary as customer, select Same as Customer.
    • In the Dates section, enter the date context and the start and end dates for the program.
    • Click Save to save your program and remain on the page to add additional information and product details.
    • In the Additional condition section, enter any additional details for descriptive flexfields that you enabled.
  10. On the Notes and Attachments tab, you can create, edit, or delete rich text formatted general or reference notes. You can also drag and drop supporting documentation as attachments. Additionally, you can include URLs in this region.