Guidelines for Using Spreadsheets to Manage Your Supplemental Structures

Use these guidelines to help you when you use a spreadsheet to manage your supplemental structure.

  • Download the worksheet only one time. For subsequent uses, open the xls file directly on your local computer.
  • Save and move the xls file to any location on your laptop, or copy it to another computer.
  • To make sure the data in the worksheet is up to date with the data on the server, refresh the search each time after the worksheet finishes processing your action.
  • If you must process more than 10,000 records, then separate data into batches of 10,000 records or less for each batch.
  • Each workbook contains address details, such as the URL, so it can connect to a specific environment. If you use more than one development environment, then don't use the same workbook in these environments. Instead, download a separate workbook into each environment.
  • Don't open more than one workbook at the same time. For example, if you must manage a model structure and a snapshot, then open the workbook for the model structure, modify the model structure, and close the workbook. Then open the workbook for your snapshot. Opening more than one workbook might cause problems in the cache, clipboard, and other areas.
  • Be aware of session time out settings. For example, if your session times out after 15 minutes and you're still working in the workbook, you might not be able interact with the server. Commands to the server won't respond. Close the workbook, open the workbook, and sign in.
  • Keep your Application Development Framework Desktop Integration (ADFDI) plug-in up to date. The workbook usually informs you when an update is available.
  • If Excel prompts you to save the file, then don't save changes in the spreadsheet because this data might become old compared to the data on the server. Instead, download data from the server immediately before each action.
  • Don't use CTRL+S, and don't use Save in the File menu in Excel.
  • You can't use the Undo command in Excel to undo changes while in Connected mode.
  • You can't select a row and then click Delete to delete it while in Connected mode. Instead, use the Delete command on the Application Development Framework Desktop Integration ribbon.
  • Don't use the Clear or Clear All command in Excel. Instead, use the Clear All Data command on the Application Development Framework Desktop Integration ribbon.
  • You must use Microsoft Excel. You can't use any other spreadsheet application.

Use the Spreadsheets

  • Each spreadsheet has a different set of columns. Make sure you enter the correct value for each column.
  • A column that has a grey background means you can't edit it. Its read only.
  • A column that has a white background means you can edit it.
  • Examine the Changed column to see what you've modified. It displays a value in each row that you modify.
  • A single asterisk ( * ) in a column means you must enter a value in that column.
  • A double asterisk ( ** ) in a column means you might need to enter a value in that column, depending on values that you set in other columns.
  • If you want to copy data from a row, make sure you don't copy the value from the Key column. The Key must be unique.
  • You can rearrange, resize, or hide columns to meet your preferences.
  • Don't delete any column. Don't copy and paste any column. If you delete a column, or copy and paste a column, then you might encounter an error.
  • To create a new record, add data to an empty row. Add values to attributes that display with a white background or a grey background when you create a new record.
  • If the Status cell of a row contains Insert Failed, click No when you're prompted whether to discard the pending changes from your update, then examine the Status Viewer to get details about the failure.

Here's a summary of the elements that you can use.

Spreadsheet Element Description



Sign into or sign out of a session with the Oracle server.
Clear All Data Click Clear All Data at the end of each session to clear data from the spreadsheet. This action helps to make sure the spreadsheet is up to date with data on the server during the next session.
Edit Options This value references the server address. You can modify it to use the spreadsheet with a different server. In most situations, don't modify the value in the Edit Options dialog. Instead, use a different spreadsheet for each server.
Search Search data on the Oracle server.
Create or Update Upload data that you created or updated in the Oracle spreadsheet. You upload to the Oracle server.
Delete Select one or more data rows in the spreadsheet, then click Delete to delete them from the server. This action happens immediately while in Connected mode and you can't undo it.
Status Viewer

View messages that describe the result of your actions. For example, if the Status Viewer displays No error, then your action was successful.

If an error happens, for example you don't include a required attribute, then the Status Viewer displays an error message.

Changed Column Displays an icon that indicates you modified a value in the row but haven't yet uploaded your modification to the server.
Flagged Column Double-click in the Flagged column to delete the row. The Flagged column displays an icon that indicates you plan to delete the row but haven't yet uploaded your deletion to the server. Click Delete in the ribbon to upload your deletion.
Status Column

Displays the status of your action, such as Row Inserted Successfully, Update Failed, or Insert Failed.

Scan the Status column after each action to make sure the server successfully processed your request. If the Status is empty after a request or displays Row Updated Successfully, then the update was successful.

If an error happens, then the Status column displays a summary of the error. Use the Status Viewer to view error details.

Key Column Displays a value that uniquely identifies the record. You can't modify this value. Make sure you don't select it when you copy a row. You can hide the Key column.

Use Connected Mode or Deferred Mode

The spreadsheet works in Connected mode or Deferred mode, but these modes are transparent to you. You don't need to take an action to use one or the other. For example, if you download data to the spreadsheet from the server, edit a row, then upload the edit, then the spreadsheet works in Connected mode. It maintains an active connection to the server.

An active connection doesn't exist in Deferred mode. For example, assume you open your spreadsheet but don't connect to the server. You intentionally cancel out of the sign in dialog that displays. Instead, you copy data into the Oracle spreadsheet from some other source, such as your own spreadsheet file. You sign into the server and are now in Connected mode. You click Create or Update to upload your changes.

Use Your Own Spreadsheet

You can maintain your own spreadsheet that has your data, then copy and paste that data into the Oracle spreadsheet.

  • Make sure that your own spreadsheet has the same columns and that they're in the same sequence that the Oracle spreadsheet uses.
  • Make sure you copy only data rows.
  • Don't overwrite header rows in the Oracle worksheet.

Use the ManageCrossModelOptionFeature.xlsx File

You must set the Node Type to OPTION_FEATURE or OPTION.

Use these sections in the worksheet:

Section Description
Manage Cross-Model Option Feature. Create and manage your option features.
Supplemental Attributes Enter data in this section to create an association between a supplemental attribute that already exists and an option feature that you manage in the Manage Cross-Model Option Feature section.
Status and Error Messages Get a status update and view error messages.


  • If an error happens, then the Status column displays a summary of the error status. Use it to read the summary.
  • Use the Status Viewer to read the error message.
  • If an error happens, then the spreadsheet displays the Download dialog. Notice the text Do you want to discard the pending changes?. Click a value.
    • Yes. Discard the change that causes the error. The server doesn't update data and the spreadsheet doesn't display details about the error.
    • No. The server doesn't update data, but the spreadsheet does display details about the error in the Status column and in the Status Viewer.
  • Use the Search command to restore the values in your spreadsheet after you encounter an error.

Here are some more troubleshooting details.

Trouble Shoot

You receive a message.

Unable to execute the command Create or Update while a cell is in edit mode.

Step out of the cell you're editing, then retry the update.

You receive a message.

Maximum: cannot convert the input value to the expected data type (BigDecimal).

Some messages in the Status Viewer includes details.

  • A prefix that identifies the attribute name. In this example, the error happens in the Maximum attribute.
  • A parenthetical that suggests a correction. In this example, (BigDecimal) is the parenthetical, and it suggests that you use BigDecimal as the data type value for the Maximum attribute.
Make sure the value in the Maximum attribute contains a BigDecimal data type.

You receive a message.

Required property UniqueAttribute missing.

Make sure each required attribute contains a value.

You receive a message.

View row with key Oracle x is not found.

Refresh your data. You might encounter this error if you perform an action, don't refresh your data, then do another action. For example, assume you.

  1. Download data to the Manage Model Structure worksheet.
  2. Download data to the Manage Pricing Charges worksheet.
  3. Make, then upload a change on the Manage Rules worksheet.
  4. Navigate back to the Manage Model Structure worksheet but don't refresh your data.
  5. Make, then upload a change on the Manage Model Structure worksheet.

To fix this problem, refresh your data after you navigate back to the Manage Model Structure worksheet, then make and upload your changes.