How can I rename a page caption?

By default, a UI page has a heading derived from the Description of the associated model node.

To change the heading displayed at run time, edit the page, on the Design subtab of the User Interfaces tab for the model. Select the page, in the Pages pane, and click the Edit control in the toolbar. In the Edit Page dialog box, change the default text that was generated for the heading, in the Page Caption field. The new page caption will be displayed at run time, and when you test the model.

Keep in mind that UI pages aren't tightly connected to the model. You can add, delete, and reorder pages without affecting the model structure. Similarly, you can change the page captions that are generated from node names in the model, because you aren't changing the model structure. However, UI page items are tightly connected to the model, and you can't change their page captions in by editing a UI. To change the captions of item-based nodes, you would have to change their Description values in the Product Information Management work area and refresh the snapshots that include them. To change the captions of supplemental structure nodes, you can change their Name values in the structure details of the model.