Common Use Cases for Acknowledge Purchase Order

Here are the common use cases for Acknowledge Purchase Order:

Common Use Cases


Accept a Purchase Order

  • The acknowledgment code values specified in the payload for the acknowledgment header must be a value that's in the orderAccept acknowledgment code list.
  • The value specified for each line must be in the lineAccept or ScheduleAccept code list.

Reject a Purchase Order

  • The acknowledgment code value specified in the acknowledgment header must be a value that's in the orderReject acknowledgment code list.

Acknowledge a Purchase Order, Accept, or Reject Each Line with No Changes

  • In a partially accepted purchase order, some lines are accepted and some are rejected.
  • The acknowledgment code value provided at the header level in the payload must be a value that's in the orderAccept acknowledgment code list.
  • Each accepted line must have an acknowledgment with an acknowledgment code that's in the lineAccept or scheduleAccept code lists.
  • Each rejected line must have an acknowledgment with an acknowledgment code that's in the lineReject or scheduleReject code lists.

Acknowledge a Purchase Order with Changes

  • The acknowledgment code value provided at the header level in the payload must be a value in the orderChange or orderAccept acknowledgment code list.
  • There must at least be one line with an acknowledgment having an acknowledgment code value that's a change, which is an acknowledgment code value in the lineChange, linePriceChange, lineItemChange, lineHoldChange, scheduleQuantityChange, scheduleBackOrderChange, scheduleRescheduleChange or schedulePartialBackOrder code lists.
  • An acknowledgment may communicate multiple changes. For example, a price change and a quantity change. Thus, each line can have multiple acknowledgments.
  • The change acknowledgment code values in the payload must exist in the lineChange, linePriceChange, lineItemChange, lineHoldChange, scheduleQuantityChange, scheduleBackOrderChange, scheduleRescheduleChange, schedulePartialBackOrder acknowledgment code lists.

Line Change

You can use an acknowledgment with an acknowledgment code value in the lineChange code list to communicate a price change, part number correction, UOM change, quantity change or date change.

You must provide one of these values in the payload when the acknowledgment code value is in the lineChange code list, else the message is skipped:
  • UnitPriceAmount - If a non-negative numeric value is provided in the payload for a line change, the purchase order is updated.
  • SupplierItemNumber - When a SupplierItemNumber is provided in the payload for a line change, the supplier item number can be updated on the PO line if the feature Correct the Supplier Item Number on Purchase Orders is enabled. Otherwise, you need to create a descriptive flexfield for B2B Part Number Correction, which will be populated with the corrected part number.
  • UnitOfMeasureCode - When a UnitOfMeasure is provided in the payload for a line change, the descriptive flexfield (b2bAckReviewRequired) on the PO header is set to One or more lines have acknowledgment comments and the UnitOfMeasureCode provided in the payload is mapped to the flexfield (b2bUOMChange) on the PO line.
  • OrderQuantity - The purchase order is updated when positive decimal numbers are provided.
  • PromisedShipDate, or PromisedDeliveryDate - The PromisedShipDate or PromisedDeliveryDate is updated when a date change is provided in the payload and it is as expected by the Buyer Managed Transport setting on the PO, otherwise the descriptive flexfield is updated.