Oracle Supplier Network

Oracle Supplier Network is now known as Oracle Business Network. You may see Oracle Supplier Network as a service provider in your setup if your implementation was originally with Oracle Supplier Network.

The predefined service provider for Oracle Supplier Network is OracleSN:


Provider ID

ID Type





Oracle Supplier Network

Collaboration Messaging Framework has two delivery methods of type web services for OracleSN:

  • ORA_B2BMessageProductionService (for your production environment)

  • ORA_B2BMessageTestService (for your test environment)

Here's what you need to do to configure the predefined Oracle Supplier Network service provider:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers task.

  2. Search for OracleSN.

  3. Select the service provider row and click Actions > Edit.

  4. In the Delivery Methods tab, enter the Endpoint URL, the User Name and Password for the ORA_B2BMessageProductionService or the ORA_B2BMessageTestService delivery method.

You have to provide the endpoint URL, user name, and password for the relevant delivery method depending on the environment (production or test) in which you configure the service provider.

These are the endpoints for your production and test environments:

  • Test:

  • Production:

The user name and password are the Oracle Supplier Network buyer account user name and password.

You also need to associate the delivery method to outbound messages and set the message status to Active in the Outbound Collaboration Messages tab.

For outbound messages, you can use these messages types with Oracle Supplier Network:

Business Process

Message Type


Procure To Pay

OAGIS 7.2.1

Purchase Order

Procure To Pay

OAGIS 7.2.1

Change Purchase Order

For inbound messages, you can use these messages types with Oracle Supplier Network:

Business Process

Message Type


Procure To Pay

OAGIS 7.2.1


Procure To Pay

OAGIS 7.2.1

Shipment Notification