Reject a Purchase Order

When you receive a purchase order acknowledgment that rejects the purchase order i.e., the acknowledgment code value at the header is in the orderReject code list, the data is mapped as outlined in the table below.

If the feature Allow Delivery on Purchase Orders that are Pending Supplier Acknowledgment is enabled, the purchase order is canceled regardless of the number of lines and acknowledgment codes received in the acknowledgment.

If the feature isn’t enabled, and all PO lines are in the acknowledgment, the purchase order is rejected regardless of any acknowledgment codes at the line level. All the PO lines need to be in the acknowledgment for it to be processed successfully.

Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Acknowledgment-In-V2 cancelPurchaseOrder




This is populated during processing.





If no reason is passed, this field is populated with Not provided.

Sample Payload for Rejecting a Purchase Order

<n1:B2BPurchaseOrderAcknowledgmentMessage xmlns:nl=””>
	 <n1:OrderDate>2020-12-17T09:30:47Z </n1:OrderDate>
	 <n1:ChangeOrderDate>2020-12-17T09:30:47Z </n1:ChangeOrderDate>