Review Domain-Value Map Names in Predefined Messages

Set up predefined message definitions to incorporate domain-value map names and to map your Oracle applications values.

Some predefined message definitions are set up in Oracle Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework incorporating domain-value map names to allow for mapping your Oracle applications values to your trading partners' values. If you want to use that mapping, you have to set up the same domain-value map names in Setup and Maintenance, using the Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain Value Map task.

You can see which domain-value map names are used in a particular predefined message definition for a service provider or a trading partner that doesn't use a service provider.

View Domain-Value Map Names in a Predefined Message Definition for a Service Provider

Here's how you can see which domain-value map names are used in a particular predefined message definition for a service provider:

  1. Go to the Collaboration Messaging work area and click Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers from the Tasks pane.

  2. On the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers page, search for a service provider.

  3. Select the service provider and click Actions > Edit.

  4. On the Edit Collaboration Messaging Service Provider page, click Inbound Collaboration Messages or Outbound Collaboration Messages, as required.

  5. Select a message and click Actions > View Domain Value Maps.

    A dialog box displays the domain-value map names.

View Domain-Value Map Names in a Predefined Message Definition for a Trading Partner

Here's how you can see which domain-value map names are used in a particular predefined message definition for a trading partner that doesn't use a service provider:

  1. Go to the Collaboration Messaging work area and click Manage B2B Trading Partners from the Tasks pane.

  2. On the Manage B2B Trading Partners page, select None as the Service Provider. Then click Search.

  3. Select your service provider and click Actions > Edit.

  4. On the Edit Trading Partner page, click Inbound Collaboration Messages or Outbound Collaboration Messages, as required.

  5. Select a message and click Actions > View Domain Value Maps.

    A dialog box displays the domain-value map names.

You can also identify the DVM names in use in a message by looking for the dvm:lookupValue call and finding the DVM Name in the XSL files associated with the message definition for that message.