Set Up a Trading Partner With a Service Provider

If you're using a user-defined service provider as an intermediary for exchanging messages, you need to set up that service provider before proceeding with trading partner setup.

If you haven't done that already, go to the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers chapter and complete the tasks described before proceeding. Predefined service providers are already set up with delivery methods and collaboration messages to exchange.

Take these steps to set up a trading partner with a service provider:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click Manage B2B Trading Partners from the Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage B2B Trading Partners page, click Actions > Create.

  3. In the Service Provider field, select the service provider that the trading partner will use for B2B messaging.

  4. In the Trading Partner ID field, enter an identifier for the trading partner.

  5. In the Partner ID Type field, select the trading partner identification type. For example, the identification type can be the trading partner's D-U-N-S number, name, or phone number.

  6. Click Save and Close.

On the Edit Trading Partners page, you see a blank Outbound Collaboration Messages tab and a blank Inbound Collaboration Messages tab. By default, all message definitions for outbound and inbound messages exchanged by the trading partner are the same as the service provider's. You can override a service provider's message definition for any document set up for the service provider.

For trading partners that use a predefined service provider, you can set up override message definitions that use the same messaging standard that the service provider uses, for example, if you want to use a different message transformation.

For trading partners associated with a user-defined service provider, you can set up any override message definitions for your trading partner. For example, you can set up cXML message definitions for a trading partner whose user-defined service provider is set up with OAGIS 10.1 message definitions.

If you want to override the message definition of the service provider for the selected trading partner, you take these steps:

  1. On the Edit Trading Partner page, click the Outbound Collaboration Messages or the Inbound Collaboration Messages tab, as required.

  2. Click Actions > Add Row.

  3. Select the message definition that you want to use instead of the message definition of the service provider.

    If the service provider associated with the trading partner is a predefined service provider, the message definitions that are available for you to select have the same messaging standard as the service provider uses for the associated document.

    If the associated service provider is a user defined service provider, the message definitions that are available for you to select are any that have been set up for documents that the service provider supports.

    The delivery methods that are available for selection for the trading partner will be those of the associated service provider.

  4. Add the required fields based on whether the collaboration message is outbound or inbound.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Note: If you want to revert to using the message definition of your service provider, you have to delete the override message definition.