Import Customer Invoices

You can import customer invoices from CSV files into Channel Revenue Management using the Import Management application.

Import Management can be accessed from Tools > Import Management.

Consideration: If you import sales invoices via the CSV file (Batch Transaction Type = ORA_SALES_ORDER_CSV), then you must first import the CSV file, and then schedule the Create Accruals for Channel Batch process to create accruals.

This diagram shows the flow for importing customer invoices as described in the text that follows

How to Handle Errors

Here are some tips to handle errors that may occur during the import process:

  • The import process provides you with an error.csv file and a reject.csv file for a given import. All the errors are in the error.csv file. The reject.csv file is a copy of your source CSV with additional columns with error messages.
  • Correct the errors in the reject.csv file. Remember to remove the first and last columns and save as a new CSV file.
  • Import the new CSV file.
Note: You must fix all the errors in the CSV file before rerunning the import. A batch is created only if there are no validation errors.

Attributes Required from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications

You must set up these attributes that are part of various Oracle Fusion Cloud applications for importing sales invoices.

Application Attribute Required?
HR foundation in HCM Business Unit Yes
Financials foundation Currency Yes
Product Information Management Item Yes
Product Information Management UOM Yes
Pricing Item Validation Organization (Pricing Parameter) Yes
Receivables Bill-to Customer, Account and Site Yes
TCA Ship-to Customer, Site Yes
TCA Sold-to Customer Yes
TCA Salesperson Yes, if specified in the CSV file
Order Management Sales Order Type Yes, if specified in the CSV file
Order Management Sales Order Line Type Yes, if specified in the CSV file
Receivables Sales Invoice Type Yes, if specified in the CSV file
Receivables Sales Invoice Line Type Yes, if specified in the CSV file
Inventory Warehouse Yes, if specified in the CSV file

Sales Invoice Attributes

You must use Channel Batch Transaction as the import object. The attribute Batch Transaction Type is a required attribute. For sales invoices, it's ORA_SALES_ORDER_CSV. You can either download the Channel Batch Transaction template or map your template against the attributes in the Channel Batch Transaction object. The following attributes are available for sales invoices:

Display Name Attribute Name Description Required Validated
Batch Transaction Type BatchTransactionType The transaction type used to categorize the transaction data in the batch. Yes Yes
Bill of Lading BillOfLadingNumber A carrier's contract and receipt for the goods that the carrier agrees to transport from a specific origin address to a specific destination address. - No
Bill-to Account BillToAccount The account number of the bill-to customer. Conditional Yes
Bill-to Account ID BillToAccountID The unique identifier for the bill-to account. Conditional Yes
Bill-to Account Site BillToAccountSite Indicates the unique user-friendly identifier of the customer account site. Conditional Yes
Bill-to Account Site ID BillToAccountSiteID Indicates the unique identifier of the customer account site. Conditional Yes
Bill-to Customer BillToCustomer The name of the bill-to customer. Conditional Yes
Bill-to Customer ID BillToCustomerID The unique identifier for the bill-to customer. Conditional Yes
Bill-to Customer Registry ID BillToCustomerRegistryID The user-friendly unique identifier for the bill-to customer. Conditional Yes
Business Unit BusinessUnit The business unit for the transaction. Conditional Yes
Business Unit ID BusinessUnitId The unique identifier for the business unit. Conditional Yes
Comments Comments The comments for the transaction. - No
Currency Currency The currency code for the transaction. Yes Yes
Item ItemNumber The inventory item number. Conditional Yes
Item Description ItemDescription The description for the item. - No
Item ID ItemID The unique identifier for the inventory item. Conditional Yes
Line Comments LineComments The comments for the transaction line. - No
Original Sales Order Line Number OriginalSalesOrderLineNumber The line number for the original sales order line. - No
Original Sales Order Number OriginalSalesOrderNumber The sales order number for the original sales order. - No
Original System Line Reference OriginalSystemLineReference The original document reference for the transaction line in the external system. - No
Original System Reference OriginalSystemReference The original document reference for the transaction in the external system. - No
Original System Source OriginalSystemSource The name of the system source. Yes No
Purchase Order Line Number PurchaseOrderLineNumber The unique identifier for the purchase order line. - No
Purchase Order Number PurchaseOrderNumber The purchase order document number. - No
Requested Arrival Date RequestedArrivalDate The original date the customer requested the item arrive on. - No
Requested Ship Date RequestedShipDate The original date the customer requested the item ship on. - No
Sales Invoice Date SalesInvoiceDate The date that appears on a customer invoice. Yes No
Sales Invoice Line Number SalesInvoiceLineNumber The unique identifier for the invoice line. Yes No
Sales Invoice Line Type SalesInvoiceLineType Indicates whether the invoice line corresponds to an item, tax, freight, or miscellaneous. - Yes
Sales Invoice Number SalesInvoiceNumber The invoice number for the customer invoice. Yes No
Sales Invoice Type SalesInvoiceType The invoice type for the invoice. - Yes
Sales Order Date SalesOrderDate The ordered date on the sales order. Yes No
Sales Order Line Number SalesOrderLineNumber The unique identifier for the sales order line. Yes No
Sales Order Line Type SalesOrderLineType Defines the system behavior for the order line transaction. - Yes
Sales Order Number SalesOrderNumber The identifier for the sales order. Yes No
Sales Order Type SalesOrderType The name of the type of order that was placed. - Yes
Salesperson Salesperson The person who is engaged in the sale of goods and services. - Yes
Salesperson ID SalespersonID The unique identifier for the salesperson. - Yes
Salesperson Number SalespersonNumber The unique user-friendly number that is associated with the salesperson. - Yes
Shipment Number ShipmentNumber The unique identifier of a shipment. - No
Shipped Date ShippedDate The date the shipment was actually sent. - No
Shipped Quantity ShippedQuantity The quantity of goods or services that was shipped by supplier. Yes No
Shipped UOM ShippedUOM The unit of measure for the shipped quantity. UOM stands for Unit of Measure. Yes Yes
Ship-to Customer ShipToCustomer The name of the ship-to customer. Conditional Yes
Ship-to Customer ID ShipToCustomerID The unique identifier for the ship-to customer. Conditional Yes
Ship-to Customer Registry ID ShipToCustomerRegistryID The user-friendly unique identifier for the ship-to customer. Conditional Yes
Ship-to Site ShipToSite The unique user-friendly address identifier for the ship-to customer. Conditional Yes
Ship-to Site ID ShipToSiteID The unique address identifier for the ship-to customer. Conditional Yes
Sold-to Customer SoldToCustomer The name of the sold-to customer. Conditional Yes
Sold-to Customer ID SoldToCustomerID The unique identifier for the sold-to customer. Conditional Yes
Sold-to Customer Registry ID SoldToCustomerRegistryID The user-friendly unique identifier for the sold-to customer. Conditional Yes
Sold-to Site SoldToSite The unique user-friendly address identifier for the sold-to customer. - Yes
Sold-to Site ID SoldToSiteID The unique address identifier for the sold-to customer. - Yes
Unit List Price UnitListPrice The base selling price before applying discounts. - No
Unit Selling Price UnitSellingPrice The price per unit that a buyer paid for an item. Yes No
Warehouse Code WarehouseCode The unique alphanumeric identifier for the inventory organization. No Yes
Warehouse ID WarehouseID The unique identifier for the warehouse that is used to ship items from or receive items into. No Yes
Waybill WaybillNumber The non-negotiable document describing the contract for transporting cargo. - No

Channel Document Header DFF

Based on setup The fields to capture additional information about the channel document header.
Note: If a DFF attribute is populated in the csv but not configured in the DFF, it will get copied to the document transaction without validation.
Based on setup Yes
Channel Document Line DFF Based on setup The fields to capture additional information about the channel document line.
Note: If a DFF attribute is populated in the csv but not configured in the DFF, it will get copied to the document transaction without validation.
- -
Note: When both ID and Name values are available, for example, BusinessUnitId and BusinessUnit, the ID value is evaluated.
Note: The combination of Batch Transaction Type, Business Unit ID, Original System Source, Sales Order Line Number, and Sales Order Number must be unique.

Qualifiers for Sales Invoice

Here's the list of qualifiers for sales invoices

  • Order Date
  • Invoice Date
  • Actual Ship Date
  • Requested Ship Date
  • Requested Arrival Date
  • Customer
  • Bill To
  • Ship To
  • Order Type
  • Order Line Type
  • Salesperson
  • Warehouse
  • Channel Document Header DFF (only for csv integration)
  • Channel Document Line DFF (only for csv integration)

Mapping between Customer Qualifiers in Customer Rebate and Attributes in CSV

Customer Qualifier in Customer Rebate Name in Channel Batch Transaction Template CSV File Accounts Receivable Transaction UI Accounts Receivable receivablesInvoices REST API
Customer Bill-to Account Bill-to Account Number BillToCustomerNumber
Bill To Bill-to Account Site Bill-to Site BillToSite
Ship To Ship-to Site Ship-to Site ShipToSite