Overview of Supplier Claims

Here you can learn about and complete the setup steps that you must perform before you can generate claims.

You must complete the following setups:

  1. Claim Types
  2. Claim Reasons
  3. Claim Sources and Settlement Methods

Set Up Claims Numbering

Claim numbers consist of a prefix and a single sequence. The prefix is defined in the claim source setup. A single sequence generates numbers from a given starting number that's stored in the database and the single sequence is used across all claims. The sequence starts at 1000.

Implementations may choose to have the same or different prefix across claim sources. Consult the business owners to help make this decision. For example, let's assume two claim sources prefixed with ABC and DEF respectively:

  • For the first claim number, the sequence is ABC1000.

  • For the second claim number, the sequence is DEF1001.

  • For the third claim number, the sequence is ABC1002.

In this example, the ABC and DEF prefixes were defined in the claim source setup, which can be up to any five alphanumeric characters.