Overview of Claims

Claims processing is used to initiate the relief of existing accruals. After the shipment of the channel program related inventory, the accrual is earned and may be claimed by the distributor. Channel claims manages the processing and settlement of these claims.

Note: Claim analysts are assigned to business units. This and the Supplier Channel Manager role enables them to manage any claim in an assigned business unit.

The Manage Claims page summarizes all the claims from the business units you have access to.

  1. From the Navigator, click Supplier Channel Management under Order Management or Procurement.

  2. On the Manage Supplier Programs page, from the Tasks panel, click Manage Claims.

    On the Manage Claims page, you can search for claims directly, or with multiple parameters using filters. You can create saved searches and select one of them as your default search option. Keyword and search filters both apply while performing a search. You can create saved searches and select one of them as your default search option. Use the Export to Excel icon to export the filtered claims to a spreadsheet.

    • If the number of rows is less than or equal to 500, the spreadsheet is available immediately, and is directly downloaded by your browser.

    • If the number of rows is greater than 500, the spreadsheet is generated in the background and becomes available in the Notifications area of the application.

  3. Click the claim number to navigate to the page containing all the details pertaining to that claim.

Supplier claims are generated and not manually compiled. While reviewing an open claim, an analyst can:

  • Remove an accrual, and

  • Optionally have the application generate the reversal adjustment

  • Cancel a claim

  • Submit a claim