Supplier Collaboration via Supplier Portal

Suppliers use the Supplier Portal to manage supplier programs. Suppliers can securely create and offer programs directly through the Supplier Portal. It leverages the Portal’s existing security model, allowing supplier contact access to supplier programs based on their data access at supplier and supplier site levels.

Suppliers can search, view, create, and update programs. A supplier creates their program in a draft status, which is then reviewed and approved by the supplier channel manager prior to program activation. For wholesalers and distributors this self service capability reduces and shares the administrative load of manage programs with their suppliers.
  1. From the Navigator, Supplier Portal under Supplier Portal. From the Supplier Portal dashboard, select Tasks, select Channel Programs, and then select Manage Programs

  2. Click the New icon on the Manage Supplier Programs page to create a new program. The Create Program page opens as a new tab.

  3. Select the supplier rebate program template you want for your program from the Program Type list.

  4. Select the business unit for which you're creating the program.

    Note: You can see only the business units assigned to you.
  5. Click the Supplier Site icon to update the supplier and site for the program. This is the supplier site used to qualify invoices and the supplier site used to collect payment for a related program claim.

  6. Click Continue. The detailed page opens. The fields you see depend on your program type. On the General tab:

    • Enter the name of your program in the Name field.

    • Select the user status for your program from the Status drop-down list. The default value is the default user status for the Supplier Draft system status.

    • Select the Date Context from the drop-down list. The values in the list depend on the program type you selected.

    • Enter the date range for the date context you selected.

    • The Currency field is populated with the currency of the program type. You can change this if required.

      Note: If the program type doesn't include the currency, this field is populated with the business unit's ledger currency.
    • Enter values for the remaining fields, like Description and Supplier Authorization, if required.

      Note: By default, the supplier contact is the external creator. The owner is automatically shown and you can't edit this field.
      • Program Code: Enter the program code decided by your business. Leave blank for the application to generate the code.

      • Use Notes and Attachments to capture more information about the program.

    • Click to expand the Additional Information section. This section contains the descriptive flexfields configured for your channel programs. Enter the details as required.

    • Click to expand the Alternate Supplier Sites section. Here you can add additional supplier sites for which the program is eligible, in addition to the primary supplier site.

  7. Click the Eligible Products tab to enter the product rules for your program. These are the rules to identify eligible items for the program. With the product rule, you can define the terms of the program, for example, for each ordered quantity of item AS54888, the discount is 20 USD. The discount models supported are percentage and amount-based accruals.

    • Click the New icon to add your product rules. The Create Product Rule dialog box opens.

    • Select the item for which this program must be applied. The primary UOM and item description are automatically populated with the default values. You can update these if required. You can also select All Items along with a UOM. This applies the program to all the items in your catalog. If you have item attributes configured for selection in the product rule, you can select them here.

      Supplier Item

      • To specify the supplier item, you must skip the internal item and use the Supplier Item list.

      • Selecting the supplier item populates the internal item and the supplier item. The internal item becomes read-only.

      • To revert to the internal item without the supplier item, you must clear the supplier item.

        Note: Product eligibility is based on the internal item, not on the supplier item.
    • Enter the discount value. Select the discount type from the drop-down list.

    • Optionally, indicate the maximum quantity.
      Note: Maximum quantity is for informational purposes and the application doesn't enforce the maximum quantity check.
    • If you want different dates for a particular product rule to be applicable compared to the program dates, select the Different Dates from Program check box. Enter the new dates.

    • Click to expand the Additional Information section. This section contains the descriptive flexfields configured for the product rules (program lines). Enter the details as required.

    • Click OK.

  8. Click the Target Market tab to enter the program rules and market rules for the program.

    • Program Rules:

      Program rules identify conditions for the program to be eligible. For example, the program is eligible for products shipped to a specific address. If there are multiple program rules, all the program rules must apply for the program to become eligible.

      • Click the New icon to add a program rule. The qualifiers available in the program rule depends on your program type.

      • Enter the qualifiers for your program. For example, Ship-to Location = ABC, California.

    • Market Rules:

      These are eligibility criteria for your program, which can be added as optional conditions. For example, we enter two market rules: Ship-to Location = ABC, Ship-to Location = XYZ. Here assuming all other criteria are met, the program becomes eligible when the ship-to location is ABC, or when the ship-to location is XYZ.

      • Click the New icon to add your market rules.

      • In the Create Market Rule dialog box, select the market rule qualifiers for your program from the Market Rule drop-down list, and add the conditions.

        Note: The market rule qualifiers available in the list depends on your program type.
      • Click to expand the Additional Conditions section.

      • Click the Add icon to add more conditions to each of your market rules.

    • Click OK.

  9. Click Save and Close to save and go back to the Manage Supplier Programs page or click Save. The program is now created in the Supplier Draft status.

    Note: You can delete programs that are in the Supplier Draft status from the Manage Supplier Programs page by selecting them and clicking the Delete icon.