How You Receive Item Deliveries

To record item deliveries:

  1. In the Fiscal Document Capture work area, in the Fiscal Document tasks panel drawer, select Confirm Item Deliveries.

  2. On the Fiscal Document Capture page, select the fiscal document that you want to update.

  3. For the selected fiscal document, do the following:

    • If you have received the goods or services per the requirements placed with the supplier, then click Actions > Record Automatic Deliveries, and in the confirmation message click OK.

      This action will automatically record the delivered quantity. By default, the value of the requested quantity is set as delivered quantity.

      In case of an item with dual UOM, the secondary quantity is populated using the default UOM conversion value. And, if there is any catch weight in the received goods, you can record that change by overriding the default secondary quantity.

    • If there are deviations in the received goods or service, then record the deviations.

    • If you want to validate deliveries, click Actions > Validate deliveries, and in the confirmation message click OK.

      This action starts the fiscal document validation activity, which validates the delivered quantities entered against the tolerance rules defined and other validation parameters.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Note: When you have a high volume of fiscal documents, you can use the REST API services to record automatic deliveries. For more information about using REST services, see the REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM guide.