Overview of Import Flow

There are three primary business flows for import fiscal documents.

These three flows are:
  • Transfer of goods from outside Brazil, to the Brazil warehouse, within the enterprise - transfer order flow.
  • Purchase of goods outside Brazil, from a foreign supplier and the goods are received by an Organization outside Brazil (ORGPACT) logically. From ORGPACT to Brazil legal entity, the goods are transferred against an internal transfer order.
  • Purchase of goods outside Brazil, from a foreign supplier using a foreign purchase order.


The Sistema Integrado de Comércio Exterior (SISCOMEX) is the Brazilian Integrated foreign trade system and is used to register foreign merchandise transactions involving imports and exports.

In the Fiscal Document Capture work area, the SISCOMEX charge is modeled as a miscellaneous charge. All other charges like freight, Insurance, and so on, if available in the fiscal document are only for information and they're already part of the item price on the fiscal document line.

FCI Code

AFicha de Conteúdo de Importação, (FCI) code is a required attribute to capture and report if the businesses have a certain amount of imported items in their cost for domestic sales, or as internal transfers operating in Brazil. An Item FCI Number will remain the same while the imported items percentage belongs to a same “item origin”. When a new percentage of imported item is determined for an item and the item origin is different from the existing one, then a new FCI number will be requested and associated with the item. If an item has an FCI number, then all the fiscal documents issued against this item will have the FCI Number information and FCI item origin.

You can capture the FCI Number using the Brazil Fiscal Document Capture and along with ICMS origin also use it as a tax attribute to compute the correct tax amounts.

Note: Value in the nFCI tag of the XML document is captured as the FCI Number in the lines section of Fiscal Document which is of 32 characteristics and recorded as alphanumeric value of specific pattern 8(Aplhanumeric)-4(numeric)-4(Alphanumeric)-4(Alphaumberic)-12(Alphanumeric), for example, E1802652-7410-4E12-A6C1-73FFFAED8652Along with FCI Number, ICMS Origin tag from the XML is used to represent the import percentage of an item for tax computations, which is derived and recorded as a tax attribute under Tax classification in the fiscal document line.FCI number is applicable only for Nfe fiscal documents - so Cte fiscal documents for freight will not have these details.