Considerations for Printing Shipping Documents on Return to Supplier Transactions

You can select whether or not you want to print shipping documents for your return to supplier transactions.

To print shipping documents for these transactions, select the Print Shipping Documents for Returns to Suppliers option on the Manage Receiving Parameters page.

To set access to the Manage Receiving Parameters page, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Receiving Parameters task:

  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

  • Functional Area: Receiving

  • Task: Manage Receiving Parameters

Note: The Print Shipping Documents for Returns to Suppliers option is a one time setup step for your organization. You don't set this up per transaction.

Print Shipping Documents

If shipping documents are required, or if several people are involved in the process to ship the product back to the supplier then your organization may select the Print Shipping Documents for Returns to Suppliers option on the Manage Receiving Parameters page. For example, this can happen when your organization's customers return the item to your organization, and then you must return the items to the supplier. This is a one time setup step for your organization and it can't be changed for individual transactions. The return to supplier transaction is then completed in two steps as follows:

  1. Creation of the return to supplier transactions in Oracle Receiving.

  2. Confirmation of the return to supplier shipment in Oracle Shipping. This leads to the closure of the shipment and creation of the shipping documents.

Not Printing Shipping Documents

If shipping documents aren't required, don't select the Print Shipping Documents for Returns to Suppliers option on the Manage Receiving Parameters page. Your return to supplier transaction is completed in one step and you don't have to confirm the shipment in Shipping.