Considerations for Selecting Shipment Grouping Attributes

Shipment grouping attributes determine how shipment lines are grouped on a shipment.

Shipment grouping attributes are defined for Ship-from Organization. Ship-to Location and Ship-from Organization are always applied during grouping of shipment lines into shipments. Before selecting shipment grouping attributes, consider:

  • How would you like to group your shipment line into shipments?

  • Do you need to further refine your grouping criteria?

Group Shipment Lines

You must consider your organization's business preference for grouping shipment lines into shipments. For example, there are two types of freight terms; Prepaid and Collect. If you enable the grouping attribute Freight Terms, then the shipment lines that share the same freight term, Prepaid, will be grouped into one shipment. And the shipment lines that share the freight term, Collect, will be grouped into another shipment. The following tables illustrate the example and the consequent grouping of shipment lines into shipments based on selection of the grouping attribute, Freight Terms.

This table shows an example of shipment lines and their attributes.

Shipment Lines

Ship-from Organization

Ship-to Location

Freight Terms


Organization 1

San Jose



Organization 1

San Jose



Organization 1

San Jose



Organization 1

San Jose


This table shows an example of how the shipment lines were grouped into a shipment when the grouping attributes were applied.

Shipment Lines

Ship-from Organization

Ship-to Location

Freight Terms



Organization 1

San Jose


Shipment 1


Organization 1

San Jose


Shipment 2


Organization 1

San Jose


Shipment 2


Organization 1

San Jose


Shipment 1

When a shipment is created, it inherits the enabled grouping attributes from the lines. For example, Freight Terms is enabled as a grouping attribute and a shipment is created for the lines with the term Prepaid. In this case, the shipment will automatically have the freight term, Prepaid upon creation.

When an optional attribute is enabled as a grouping criteria and there are shipment lines that don't have a value specified for the enabled attribute, then all those shipment lines are grouped together on a separate shipment. You can also choose to not select any of the optional grouping attributes.

Refine Grouping Attributes

You must consider your organization's preference for assigning Customer, Shipping Method, FOB, and Freight Terms as grouping criteria for creating shipments.

You can select more than one grouping attribute to further refine your grouping criteria. For example, if you select Customer and Shipping Method, then shipment lines with the same customer and shipping method will be grouped into one shipment.