Inventory Item Attributes

You can set inventory specification attributes when defining or updating an item. Let's look at the descriptions, possible values, and verifications for inventory item attributes.

Here are the Inventory sections on the Item Specification tab of the Create Items and Edit Items pages:

  • Material Control

  • Lot

  • Lot Expiration

  • Child Lot

  • Lot Split or Merge

  • Grade Control

  • Serial

  • Cycle Count

  • Status

  • Locator

  • Project Driven Supply Chain

Material Control

Here are the Material Control fields. All options here include the selection of Yes or No.




Inventory Item

This attribute enables you to stock and transact this item.

You must turn this option on if you want to enable the following item attributes:

  • Stockable

  • Transaction Enabled

  • Build in WIP

This is an item-defining attribute. If you enable this option, the item is automatically assigned to the default category set for the Inventory functional area.

You can't turn off reservation control if reservations exist.


Indicate whether an item can be stocked. This attribute enables you to stock the item.

You can set this attribute only when you enable the Inventory Item attribute. You must enable this item attribute if you want to transact the item.

Transaction Enabled

Indicates whether transactions can be performed on an item.

You can set this attribute only if you set the Inventory Item and Stocked attributes.

If there are inventory or receiving transactions against an item, you can't change the Transaction Enabled option.

If the Transaction Enabled attribute is controlled at the master item level, the application checks for inventory or receiving transactions in all child organizations.


This attribute enables you to create material reservations for the item.

You can reserve an item only when you have sufficient inventory.

If the Reservable attribute is controlled at the master item level, the application checks for sufficient on-hand quantity in all child organizations.

Check Material Shortage

Indicates to check for material shortages for the item.

Enable this option to trigger a material shortage alert and a shortage notification during transactions of the item.

This attribute is reserved for future use.

Revision Control

This attribute enables you to create item revisions.

If you enable this option, you must specify an existing revision number for issues and receipts on the Revisions tab.

Bulk Picked

Enables you to pick items in bulk.


Here are the Lot fields.





Indicates the ability to use lot numbers during material transactions for tracking of batches of Item.

Values include:

  • No control: Don't establish lot control for the item.

  • Full control: Track inventory balances by lot number. You must specify a lot number for issues and receipts.

You can establish lot number control only for an item that has no quantity on hand. If there is existing on-hand inventory for the item, you can't change the Control option.

If lot control is controlled at the master item level, the application checks for on hand quantity in all child organizations.

Starting Prefix

Enter a starting prefix for all lot numbers you define for this item.

When you set Lot Number Generation to At item level in the Organization Parameters window, then the application uses this prefix when you define a lot number for the item.

Starting Number

Enter a starting lot number for the item.

When you set Lot Number Generation to At item level in the Organization Parameters window, the application uses this number as the starting lot number. When you create additional lots for the item, the application increments each succeeding lot.

Maturity Days

This is the number of days added to the lot creation date to determine the lot maturity date.

If you don't enter a number, the application assumes the lot is mature at creation.

Lot Creation Date + Maturity Days = Default Lot Maturity Date

Hold Days

This is the number of days added to the lot creation date before you can release the lot.

If you don't enter a number, the application assumes that you can use the lot immediately.

Lot Creation Date + Hold Days = Default Hold Release Date

Lot Expiration

Here are the Lot Expiration fields.





Indicates how long items in a given lot remain available.

Values include:

  • Shelf life days: Specify the shelf life of the item in days. The application starts counting the shelf life on the day you receive the lot into inventory. After the specified number of days, the application sends a warning message.

  • No control: Shelf life control not established for this item.

  • User-defined: Specify an expiration date as you receive each lot. You receive a warning but aren't prevented from using the lot after expiration.

You can establish lot expiration control only for an item that has no quantity on hand. You can't change lot expiration control when on-hand quantity or pending inventory transactions exist for the item.

If lot expiration is controlled at the master level, the check for on-hand quantity is against the sum of on-hand quantities in all child organizations.

Shelf Life Days

Enter the number of days each lot is active.

At receipt, the application adds the shelf life days to the application date to determine the expiration date. This is used only when you choose Self life days for Lot Expiration Control.

You can set up shelf life days only for an item that has no quantity on hand. You can't change the shelf life days when on-hand quantity or pending inventory transactions exist for the item.

Retest Interval

Enter the number of days after the creation date before you need to retest the lot. The application adds this number to the lot creation date to determine the default retest date.

Lot Creation Date + Retest Interval = Default Lot Retest Date

Expiration Action

Enter the default action code for this item. This is the action listed on the expiration notification when the lot expires, fails quality inspection, or falls within the experimental error results region.

You can't modify this field if pending transactions exist for the item.

Expiration Action Interval

Enter the number of days the application adds to the expiration date before it performs an action on the lot.

Lot Expiration Date + Lot Expiration Action Interval = Default Expiration Action Date

Child Lot

Let's look at the Child Lot fields.




Child Lot Enabled

Indicates whether an item is subject to lot control for transactional purposes when a parent lot is specified for transactional purposes.

If you enable child lot control, you can specify a parent lot and a child lot for transactional purposes. The application processes transactions for the lot regardless of whether you specify the parent lot for the transaction.

You can establish child lot control only for an item that has no quantity on hand. You can't modify this field if inventory transactions or reservations exist or are pending for the item.

If you choose to control this attribute at the master organization level, then you can modify this attribute only if no transactions or reservations exist for the master organization or any child organizations that are associated with the master organization.

Format Validation

Select this check box to ensure the child lot number conforms to the child lot parameters that you define for the organization or the item.

If you select this check box, the application verifies that the child lot number is the lot number concatenated with the child lot prefix and a numeric suffix for the lot number of the correct zero-padded length, if you enable zero padding at the item level.

Copy Lot Attributes

Select this check box to ensure that a new child lot inherits all the attributes of the parent lot, except descriptive flexfield attributes. If you don't select the check box, then the child lot doesn't inherit the parent lot attributes.

Descriptive flexfield attributes aren't copied.


If you choose to generate child lots at the item level, you can optionally choose to enter a child lot prefix.

Starting Number

Enter the starting number for each child lot.

This field is enabled only if the item is child lot enabled.

Child Lot Generation

Options include Parent or Parent and Child.

Lot Split or Merge

Here are the Lot Split or Merge fields.




Lot Translate Enabled

Enables you to translate lots within a lot controlled item.

Lot Split Enabled

Indicate whether a lot-controlled item may split into many lots.

Lot Divisible

Select this check box to enable you to allocate, reserve, or move partial lot quantities. If you don't select this check box you must transact the full lot quantity for this item.

You can modify this field if on-hand quantity or pending and existing transactions exist for the item.

Lot Substitute Enabled

Indicates whether lots can be substituted in a transaction.

The lot substitution feature isn't supported for items with serial control or any combination such as lot serial, lot revision, or LSR combinations.

Lot Merge Enabled

Indicate whether many lots of a lot controlled item may merge into one lot.

Grade Control

Let's take a look at the Grade Control fields.




Grade Controlled

Indicate whether the item is grade controlled in addition to lot controlled. A grade code represents specific characteristics of a lot. If you select the Grade Controlled check box, then you must specify a default grade for the item.

You can't modify this check box if on-hand quantity or pending inventory transactions exist for the item.

Default Grade

Enter a default grade for the item. All items in grade control must have a default grade. You can use the grade change transaction to change the default grade of an item.

You can change the default grade even if you have performed transactions for the item.


Here are the Serial fields.





Indicate when to create and assign serial numbers to each unit of an item in order to track the item.

  • Dynamic entry at inventory receipt: Create and assign serial numbers when you receive the item. Thereafter, for any material transaction, you must provide a serial number for each unit.

  • Entry at sales order, transfer order or work order issue: Create and assign serial numbers when you issue (ship) the item against a sales order or transfer order. If you select this option, serial numbers are required at ship confirm. If you receive an item on an RMA (return material authorization), you must specify the same serial numbers that you used at the sales order issue. Serial numbers are also required when you issue components to a work order using a Work in Process Material Issue transaction. If you receive the item back into inventory using a Work in Process Material Return transaction, then you need to reference the same serial numbers used when the component item was issued to the work order. When using this serial generation option, serial number entry isn't required for material transactions other than sales order, transfer order, or work order issue for this item. For example, serial number entry isn't required for a receipt or a subinventory transfer for an item.

  • No serial number control: Serial number control not established for this item. All material transactions involving this item will bypass serial number information.

  • Predefined serial number: Assign predefined serial numbers when you receive the item. Thereafter, for any material transaction, you must provide a serial number for each unit.

  • Entry at inventory pick: Create and assign serial numbers at pick confirmation for an item. If you select this option, you must enter a serial number at pick confirmation for inventory transactions such as sales order pick, transfer order pick, transfer order return pick, or movement request issue.

If serial generation is controlled at the item level, the check for on-hand quantity is against the sum of on-hand quantities in all child organizations.

You can't change the serial number generation if there are pending transactions for the item. Make sure that there aren't any of these pending transactions types:

  • No on-hand quantity

  • All completed transactions are interfaced to Costing

  • No cycle counts pending

  • No count sequences to approve

  • No transactions in Costing error

  • No open movement requests for the item

  • No pick slips open or stuck

  • No open transfer orders for the item

Starting Prefix

Enter a starting alpha prefix for all serial numbers you define.

You must enter a value when you choose Predefined and when Serial Generation is At item level in the organization parameters. This prefix is used when you define your serialized units.

Starting Number

Enter a starting numeric suffix for all serial numbers for this item only.

You must enter a value when you choose Predefined and when Serial Generation is At item level in the organization parameters. This starting numeric suffix is used when you define your serialized units. Thereafter, this number is incremented for each succeeding serial number.

Cycle Count

Here are the Cycle Count fields.




Negative Measurement Error

Enter the percentage of negative variance acceptable before cycle count creates an adjustment transaction.

Your physical cycle count can be less than the quantity on hand by an amount less than or equal to this percentage.

For example, suppose quantity on hand is 100 and negative tolerance is 10%. Inventory doesn't require approval for if the counted quantity is within tolerance. For physical counts that are less than 90 units, Inventory creates an adjustment, changing the quantity on hand to the physical count.

Positive Measurement Error

Enter the percentage of positive variance acceptable before cycle count creates an adjustment transaction. Your physical count can be greater than the quantity on hand by an amount less than or equal to this percentage.

For example, suppose quantity on hand is 100 and positive tolerance is 10%.

Inventory doesn't require approval for if the counted quantity is within tolerance. For physical counts over 110 units, Inventory creates an adjustment, changing the quantity on hand to the physical count.

Cycle Count Enabled

Indicates whether the item can be cycle counted.

Select Yes to count individual items throughout the year to ensure the accuracy of inventory quantities and values. Select No if you don't want to count the items.

The item isn't visible to the cycle count process unless you enable this field.


Let's look at the Status fields.




Lot Status Enabled

Indicate whether an item is subject to status control at the Lot Level.

For example, a lot may be In Test. A company may have a policy of allowing lots In Test to be used in planning and reserved, but not shipped. A lot may also be In Quarantine. For example, a company may have a policy of allowing lots In Quarantine to be used in planning.

You can select a value in this field if the Lot Control field has a value of Full lot control.

If an item is lot controlled, you can indicate a value for the Default Lot Status field. For example, a lot of microprocessors may be at the Quarantine status until a soak test is complete.

Serial Status Enabled

Indicate whether an item is subject to status control at the serial Level.

For example, a company may have a policy of allowing all functions on serial numbers that are new, and a policy of allowing reservations to reworked serial numbers, not including reworked items.

You can select a value in this field if the Serial Generation field has any value other than No serial number control.

If an item is serial controlled, you can indicate the Default Serial Status. For example, a serial number of analytical equipment may be at the Quarantine status until a soak test is complete.

Default Lot Status

Indicate the default lot status for the item.

If an item is marked as Lot Status Enabled, you can indicate the default lot status. Otherwise, this field isn't available for entry.

Default Serial Status

Indicate the default serial status of the item.

If an item is marked as Serial Status Enabled, you can indicate the default serial status. Otherwise, this field isn't available for entry.


Here are the Locator fields.




Restrict Subinventory

Indicate whether to restrict transactions of this item to or from a subinventory specified in a list you define with the Subinventory Information window.

This option must be turned on if you choose to restrict locators.

Restrict Locators

Indicate whether to restrict transactions of this item to or from a locator specified in a list you define with the Subinventory Information window.

You can't restrict locators unless you also restrict subinventories.

Stock Locator Control

Indicates the physical area within a subinventory where you store material, such as a row, aisle, bin, or shelf.

  • Dynamic entry: Define locators when you use them, either as you receive or ship items.

  • No control: Locator control not established.

  • Prespecified: Define locators before you use them.

Project Driven Supply Chain

Here are the Project Driven Supply Chain fields.




Default Expenditure Type

Select a default expenditure type.

Allow Use of Common Supplies

Use this check box to indicate if you want to allow the use of common supplies.

This check box is available for selection if the value in the Hard Pegging Level field is set to Project, Project Group, or Project and Task.

This check box isn't available if the value of the Hard Pegging Level field is None.

Hard Pegging Level

For hard pegged items, you can indicate if project references should be added to planned orders.

Assign planned orders for hard pegged items at one of these levels:

  • Project: Attach the project number to which the planned order is hard pegged.

  • Project Group: Attach the project group to which the planned order is hard pegged.

  • Project and Task: Attach the project and task number to which the planned order is hard pegged.

  • None: Do not add project or task references to planned orders.

This option controls only those items whose attributes are set to Hard Pegging or End Assembly/Hard Pegging.