Picking Rule Assignments

Picking rule assignments enable you to assign an organization and sequence to a picking rule. It provides mechanisms to:

  • Indicate if a picking rule can be used in an organization.

  • Prioritize the various rules available to be used in an organization.

  • Define set of criteria when a rule should be activated.

You can then assign certain criteria to the picking rule assignment based on which the material will be picked. Note that the same picking rule can have multiple rule assignments in an organization.

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Picking Rule Assignments task to set up your picking rule assignments:

  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

  • Functional Area: Inventory Management

  • Task: Manage Picking Rule Assignments

The example in this table demonstrates how picking rule assignments work for an item that's lot controlled and expiration enabled.

Picking Rule name

Rule details

Rule 1


Rule 2


The facility usually follows the FIFO rule and ships the oldest material first. However, for their loyal customers, for example, Loyal, they would like to follow the LIFO rule and ship the newest material first. The loyal customers are given priority over their other customers. In order to achieve this, the facility needs to have two picking rule assignments in order of priority.

This table demonstrates picking rule assignments in order of priority.

Picking Rule name

Picking Rule Assignment criteria

Rule 2

Item is specified and customer is specified as "Loyal" as part of the criteria.

Rule 1

Item is specified but customer isn't specified as part of the criteria.

According to the way the picking rules are assigned in the earlier picking rule assignments table, the application will first look at the high priority assignment and apply the picking rule assignment in the manner shown in the following table. The table describes scenarios and results for both "Loyal" and not "Loyal" customers.



Demand line for specified item and from customer specified as "Loyal."

Rule 2 is applied and newest material is supplied following LIFO.

Demand line is for specified item and customer isn't "Loyal."

Rule 1 is applied and oldest material is supplied following FIFO.

Picking rule assignments provide you the flexibility to:

  • Assign sequence to the rule assignment

  • Define criteria for the assigned picking rule

Assigning Sequence

Enables you to prioritize the rule assignment with respect to the other rule assignments.

Define Criteria

Enables you to specify the details when a rule on a particular picking rule assignment is activated. For example, if you create a picking rule that picks lots based on FIFO and select a specific customer in the criteria, then according to the picking rule assignment, the item is picked for that customer based on FIFO.