Set Up Electronic Signatures and Electronic Records for Receiving Transactions

You need to enable the ability to capture Electronic Signatures and Electronic Records for receiving transactions to be able to view them.

You need to set up receiving transactions and a business rule.

Steps for Setting Up Receiving Transactions

Here's how you set up receiving transactions.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Facilities

    • Task: Configure Electronic Signature Preferences

  2. On the Configure E-Signature Preferences page, select your organization and then select the Signature Enabled check box for the relevant transaction.

  3. Click Save and Close.

Steps for Setting Up a Business Process Rule

Here's how you set up a business process rule.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Facilities

    • Task: Manage Task Configurations for Supply Chain Management

  2. On the BPM Worklist page that appears, click the MtlManagementEresInlineTask task to be configured and create or edit the relevant business rule.

  3. Click Advanced.

  4. Deselect Ignore Participant.

  5. Click Save and then click Commit Task.

Note: Receive, put away, and corrections are receiving transactions. The e-record for those are available on the Receiving Transaction History page, not on the Review Completed Transactions page.The e-record ID is system-generated sequentially so the record ID for a miscellaneous transaction and a put away transaction can be the same. That is why the Inventory Transactions page shows the ID for miscellaneous transactions only and not the ID for transactions that originate in Receiving. You can view transactions that originate in Receiving on the Receiving Transaction History page only.For more information about implementing E-Signatures and generating E-Records, refer to the Oracle SCM Cloud Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.