Can I ship goods without sufficient on-hand quantity using quick ship?

You can ship goods even if there is insufficient on-hand quantity available during quick shipments.

You can perform a quick ship transaction for zero, negative, or positive on-hand quantity, provided the inventory organization is enabled for Allow Negative Balances. Here's what can be shipped:
  • Plain items
  • Lot-controlled items
  • Serial-controlled items with serial generation for
    • Entry at inventory pick
    • Entry at sales order, transfer order or work order issue
  1. Quick ship transactions for on-hand quantity greater than zero is only allowed for serial-controlled items with serial generated as:
    • A predefined serial number
    • A dynamic entry at inventory receipt
  2. You can report ship confirmations from 3PL or WMS to drive the on-hand quantity negative when the inventory organization is enabled for Allow Negative Balances, but is not enabled for Enable Quick Ship parameter on the Manage Shipping Parameters page.