Convert Source Data Into CSV File

You must create a CSV file that includes order data from your source system. Use these guidelines to make sure the structure that the CSV file contains mirrors the structure that the Order Import Template contains.

CSV file that includes order data from your source system.


  • Create a CSV file, such as MySourceOrders.csv. To make sure you include the same structure that the template uses, we recommend that you open the template file, save it as a CSV file, structure your data so it mirrors the CSV file, and then copy your source data into the CSV file

  • Include the same table names and sequence them in the same sequential order. The tab sequence that the template uses determines sequential order.

  • Include the same columns in each table, and arrange columns in the same sequential order inside each table.

  • Use the same data type for each column.

  • To get the template file, see Overview of Importing Orders Into Order Management.


View an example of the CSV structure.

  1. Open the Order Import Template in Microsoft Excel.

  2. Click the DOO_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL_INT tab.

  3. Click File > Save As > Excel Workbook.

  4. Save the file as a csv file, then use a text editor to examine the output.

BI_SO_2110_Demo_01,GPR,BI_SO_2110_Demo_01,,1006,,,,,,,,,1560,,,,,,,,,,,,576859,USD,,,,,10/10/2016 17:12,204,,,,,,,204,,,,,,,,,,,
12345,LEG,LEGACY12345,1,1006,Computer Service and Rentals,Bill,Gates, ,Jr,Mr,,1006-Party,1560, ,Bill,Williams,Bob, ,Mr.,ORGANIZATION,,1560-Contact,1000,Preferred Sold To Contact Point Orig Sys Reference,,USD,US Dollar,Spot,1.23,1/15/2014 10:10,1/29/2016 10:10, ,Vision Operations,,,,Order 12345,12345, ,,,N,NONE,No Reason,1/15/2014 10:10,N,N,N,,N
CCtest2,LEG,LEGACY-SC,1,1006,Computer Service and Rentals,,,,,,1006,1006-Party,1560,Piere Legrand,,,,,,,CONTACT-1560,1560-Contact,,,,USD, ,,,,1/29/2016 10:10, ,Vision Operations,,,,order with header sales credits,cc,204,,,N,,,,N,N,N,,