Identify Flexfield Contexts and Category Codes for Your Business Rules

Identify the flexfield contexts and category codes that you specify in an Oracle Business Rule.

In this example, assume you need to reference context code FND_ACFF_EFF_CONTEXT_CODE in your business rule.

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, then go to the task.

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Orders

    • Task: Manage Order Extensible Flexfields

  2. On the Manage Order Extensible Flexfields page, search for Fulfillment Line Information.

  3. In the search results, click the row that contains Fulfillment Line Information in the Name column, then click Actions > Download Flexfield Archive.

  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Download, then save the zip file to any folder.

    The file manager for your operating system opens. For example, if you're using Microsoft Windows, then Windows Explorer opens.

  5. In your file manager, navigate to the folder in the zip file that contains the xml you must examine.

    . . .\\oracle\apps\scm\doo\processOrder\flex\fulfillLineContextsB\view


    • . . . is the path where you save the zip file.

    • file_name. Name of the zip file.

    For example:

  6. Use an XML editor to open the xml file that contains the context you must examine.

    The file list contains a variety of xml files, such as.

    • FulfillLineEffBFulfillLineContext1privateVO.xml

    • FulfillLineEffBPackShipInstructionprivateVO.xml

    You typically are interested in Context1private, so open FulfillLineEffBFulfillLineContext1privateVO.xml.

  7. Search for EFF_CONTEXT_CODE, then notice that the full value of the name includes a prefix, such as FND_ACFF_EFF.

    For example:

    <Property Name="FND_ACFF_EFF_CONTEXT_CODE" Value="FulfillLineContext1"/>

    Most XML files have only one context code.

    Notice that the value is FulfillLineContext1. Use it when you set up your rule in Oracle Business Rules. For example, here's the code you use in your rule.

    FLineEFF.context equals ignore case "FulfillLineContext1"
  8. Search for the ViewAttribute tag that contains the segment name you need.

    ViewAttribute Name="_FL1AttributeChar1"

    The file has only one FL1AttributeChar1 view attribute tag.

  9. Notice that the value in the ViewAttribute's Name property is _FL1AttributeChar1. Use it when you set up your rule in Oracle Business Rules.

    For example, use this code in your rule:



    FLineEFF. getFlexAttributeValue("_FL1AttributeChar1")

    Get details about this example, including extensible flexfields. For details, see Overview of Using Business Rules With Order Management.