Migrate Business Rules in Order Management

Migrate your business rules across different instances of Order Management. For example, migrate business rules from your test environment to your production environment.

Here are the types of rules you can migrate.

  • Approval

  • Routing

  • Pretransformation

  • Posttransformation

  • Transformation

  • Product transformation

  • Process assignment


  • Business rules that you add to an orchestration process are part of the orchestration process definition. You use the Functional Setup Manager to export these definitions from one environment and to import them into another environment.

  • In most situations, an upgrade or patch won't affect your rules, with these exceptions.

    • The upgrade or patch might overwrite modifications you make to a predefined rule or decision table.

    • The upgrade or patch might change rule behavior, and this change might affect the behavior of your business rules.

Migrate business rules in Order Management.

  1. Make sure the source environment and the target environment are on the same update.

    You can't migrate rules across different updates. To get your rules into a new update, upgrade the source environment so its on the same update as the target environment, then migrate your rules.

  2. Make sure each of your rule specifies attribute values that exist.

    Example Rule


    Assume you create rule in Oracle Business Rules.

    If Business Unit equals "203", then set FulfillOrdID to "207"

    If Business Unit 203 or FulfillOrdID 207 doesn't exist in your target environment, then the migration will fail. To avoid this error, make sure these entities exist in your target environment.

    Assume you create a rule in Visual Information Builder.

    If Business Unit equals "Vision Operations" then set Warehouse to "Singapore Distribution"

    If Business Unit Vision Operations or Warehouse Singapore Distribution doesn't exist in your target environment, then the migration will fail. To avoid this error, make sure these entities exist in your target environment.

  3. Make sure each rule operation that uses Starts with or Contains includes the full attribute value or ID value.

  4. For each attribute that your rule references in the source environment, make sure you also set up each of these attributes in the target environment.

    For example, if a rule in your source environment references the Primary Salesperson attribute, then make sure the target environment also includes Primary Salesperson.

  5. Make sure none of the rules you're about to migrate contain errors.

    • Test each rule in the source instance.

    • Make sure your rules specify values that use the same data type, and that the attribute can contain the data type.

    • The migration examines each rule in the source that you specify to migrate. If any of these rules contain an error, then the migration will fail.

  6. Make sure the rules you migrate replace the functionality that rules in your target environment requires.

    Migration deletes all rules in the target environment before it does the migration, including rules you don't set up in the source. For example, if the target includes rules x, y, and z, and if the source includes rules x and y, then the migration deletes rules x, y, and z from the target, then copies rules x and y from the source to the target. If the target depends on rule z, then copy rule z to the source before you do the migration.

  7. Make sure you release each rule you must migrate.

    If you create a business rule in the source environment but don't release it, then the migration won't migrate the rule. Migration only migrates rules you save and release.

  8. If your rule references an extensible flexfield, then make sure you set up each of flexfield in the same way in the source environment and in the target environment.

    The Manage Configuration Packages page doesn't examine your extensible flexfield setup. You must manually examine your setup.

  9. Migrate your rules.

    • Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    • On the Setup page, click Tasks > Manage Configuration Packages.

    • On the Manage Configuration Packages page, search for your configuration package.

    • In the search results, click the row that includes your configuration package, then click Export Setup Data.

    • On the Export Setup Data page, click Next > Submit.

      The Setup and Maintenance work area exports business rules from your source environment and imports them into your target environment.