Resume Paused Orchestration Processes

You must resume the orchestration process that your pause task paused.

Use a scheduled process or a web service to release a pause task so your orchestration process can automatically resume processing sales orders, depending on how you set sacType.

Value of sacType



Let the condition evaluate and release the process, or use one of the set ups described in this topic.


You must use one of the set ups described in this topic.

Note: You must release a paused orchestration process. If you don't, then the orchestration process will remain in a paused state, which might result in failed sales orders, failed order fulfillment, and so on.

Use a Scheduled Process to Automatically Release a Pause Task

  1. Get these privileges.

    Privilege Name

    Privilege Code

    Release Paused Orchestration Order Tasks


    Manage Orchestration Order Modification


    You need these privileges to run the Release Pause Tasks scheduled process. For details, see Privileges That You Need to Implement Order Management.

  2. Sign into Oracle applications.
  3. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  4. On the Scheduled Processes page, click Schedule New Process.

  5. In the Schedule New Process dialog, set the value, and then click OK.




    Release Pause Tasks

    This scheduled process releases a pause task that's waiting for a business event to finish.

  6. Use one of the parameters to specify the orchestration process you must resume, such as Item, Customer, Task Name, and so on.

    For example, if you set up a pause task on an orchestration process that's waiting for the Gold Preorders event, then set the event parameter to Gold Preorders.

    You can also set the Manual Release Type parameter.



    Tasks That Exceed Maximum Retries

    Use this value for most situations.

    Tasks That Can't Establish Wait

    Release a pause task that fails to release because of some problem that's internal to Order Management. Set this value only in consultation with Oracle Support.

  7. Click Submit.

Examine an example that uses this scheduled process. For details, see Pause Orchestration Processes for Events.

Manually Release a Pause Task

  1. Make sure you have the privileges that you need to recover errors. For details, see the Order Orchestration Error Recovery Manager chapter in Security Reference for Order Management.

  2. Go to the Order Management work area, then navigate to the Orchestration Process page.

  3. Click Release Pause Task.

For details, see Resume Paused Sales Orders.

Use a Web Service to Automatically Release the Pause Task

You can use the ReleasePausedTasks operation of the Receive Order Request Service to release a pause task.

Here's your WSDL.


You can use some of the same parameters that you use with the Release Pause Tasks scheduled process.

  • BuyingPartyName

  • BuyingPartyNumber

  • EventName

  • FromOrderDate

  • FromPauseWaitUntilDate

  • FromScheduledShipDate

  • FulfillLineNumber

  • FulfillmentOrganizationCode

  • FulfillmentOrganizationName

  • FulfillOrgId

  • InventoryItemId

  • LineNumber

  • ManualReleaseType

  • ManualReleaseTypeName

  • OrderNumber

  • PausedTaskName

  • PauseTaskId

  • ProductNumber

  • SoldToCustomerId

  • SourceOrderNumber

  • SourceOrderSystem

  • TaskInstanceId

  • ToOrderDate

  • ToPauseWaitUntilDate

  • ToScheduledShipDate

Here's an example payload that releases pauses where the name of the pause task is PauseAfterReservation1. Look at the step in your orchestration process definition that has the pause task to determine the name of the pause task that you need to release.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dood="">

You can release a pause for a single order line. Here's a payload that releases the pause task on order line 1 of sales order 506608.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dood="">