Structure Your Configured Item's Payload

Structure your payload when you call the ConfiguredItemService web service.

Structure your payload when you call the ConfiguredItemService web service.

Here's the hierarchy that you use.

  • 1 findCriteria. Structure that contains the entire object and attribute filter criteria.

    • 1.1 fetchStart and fetchSize. Required. Specify the number of rows in the result set, and specify which row to start with.

      • 1.1.1 fetchStart. Row to use as the starting point. The default is 0. If you set the value to 0, then the result set begins with the first row of the data set. If you set the value to 99, then the result set begins with the 100th row of the data set.

        Note: Caution: If you use findCtoItemStructure, and if you set fetchStart to any value other than 0, then you must use refreshConfigStructure before you use findCtoItemStructure. The web service assumes the configured item is available in the explosion repository and gets records beginning with the starting point. Using refreshConfigStructure makes sure the starting point contains a value.
      • 1.1.2 fetchSize. Maximum number of rows to get. If you set fetchSize to -1 (negative one), then the search gets all rows that it finds, starting with the row that fetchStart specifies.

        If fetchSize is greater than the number of remaining rows, then the search returns only the remaining rows. The predefined maximum fetchSize is 500. You can't exceed it in a single query. If you set fetchSize to a value greater than 500 or to -1, and if more than 500 records match your search criteria, then the web service creates an exception.

    • 1.2 filter. Structure that contains runtime search conditions. The view criteria restricts data that your query returns to the rows that match the filters you specify. If no view criteria exists, then the web service doesn't apply filters when it processes your request.

      Think of view criteria as a collection of one or more query-by-example (QBE) rows that define a data filter for a view object. The web service converts view criteria to an SQL WHERE clause.

      • 1.2.1 conjunction. Specify how to evaluate search conditions in relation to each other. For example, And, Or, Not, AndNot, and OrNot.

        If you don't specify a value, then the web service uses AND. Behavior is similar to how Oracle Application Development Framework works when a conjunction exists between view criteria and the previous view criteria.

        Conjunction is case sensitive.

      • 1.2.2 Structure that contains a set of runtime filter conditions for one or more attributes. Behavior is similar to how Oracle Application Development Framework handles a list of view criteria rows, where each row defines one view criteria.

        • conjunction. See level 1.2.1.

        • item. Structure that contains one runtime search condition for an attribute.

          • conjunction. See level 1.2.1.

          • upperCaseCompare. Boolean value that specifies whether to convert the attribute value that the search returns to uppercase. Conversion happens before filtering.

          • attribute. For details, see the Attributes subtopic, below.

          • operator. For details, see the Operators subtopic, below.

          • value. Filter criteria the web service uses when it searches for an attribute. You can use % as a wildcard, but you must not use % as the first character. For example, you can use MySearch%, but you can't use %MySearch.

    • 1.3 sortOrder. Sort the result set in ascending order or descending order.

    • 1.4 findAttribute. Attributes to get after the web service applies your filter criteria. If you specify attribute x, then the web service only gets the value for attribute x. If you don't specify a value, then the web service gets all attributes. A child object is an attribute of the parent object.

    • 1.5 excludeAttribute. Boolean value. If True, get all attributes except the ones you specify in findAttribute. If False, get the attributes you specify in findAttribute.

  • 2 findControl. Get all translations of attributes that exist. This parameter affects the entire result set. Attributes

Include the case sensitive name of the attribute to filter on. The root node of a child object is an attribute of the parent object.

Here are the attributes you can use. You must use at least one of them. If you don't, the web service will raise an error.

Attribute Type Description
ConfigItemId Long Value that identifies the configured item.
ConfigItemNumber String Name of the configured item.
BaseModelId Long Value that identifies the assemble-to-order model.
BaseModelItemNumber String Name of the of the assemble-to-order model.
CreationDate Date Date when the flow created the configured item.

You can also include one of these attributes, as necessary.

Attribute Type Description
OrganizationId Big Decimal Value that identifies the organization you associate with the configured item.
OrganizationCode String Abbreviation that identifies the organization.
EffectiveAsOfDate Date Date that the configured item goes into effect.
RefreshStructure Boolean


  • True. Refresh the structure in the explosion repository before the web service does the search.

  • False. Don't refresh. The default value is false. Operators



  • Some operators won't work for all attribute types, such as String, Integer, Date, and so on.

  • You typically use numeric operators, such as = or < for a String attribute.

  • Each text operator is case sensitive. For example, ISBLANK is a text operator and is case sensitive.

Here are the operators you can use to search a required attribute when you use findCtoItemStructure. If you use any other operator, the web service will create an error.

Attribute Operator
ConfigItemId =
ConfigItemNumber =
BaseModelId =
BaseModelItemNumber =
CreationDate BETWEEN

You can use any operator on an attribute that isn't required when you use findCtoSalesStructure or findCtoItemStructure.