Use Web Services to Import Orders

Use an order import service to receive a request for details about an order line from your source system, and then transform it into a structure that Order Management can use.

Use the Order Import web service to capture sales orders from your source system. For details, see Web Services That You Can Use to Integrate Order Management. Use example payloads. For details, see Example Web Service Payloads That Integrate Order Management.

Here are some other web services that you can also use.

Web Service


Get Order Shipping Details

  • Communicate shipping details to the source system that requests it.

    • Current schedules

    • Status of each schedule

    • Schedule details, such as warehouse and shipping method

  • Organizes the reply according to shipments instead of fulfillment lines.

  • Include details about fulfillment lines in the reply. More than one fulfillment line in Order Management might reference a single order line in the source order.

  • Return details about the order lines of a sales order, or for only a subset of these lines.

Apply a Hold

Route a request for a hold from your source system to a hold task. Process more than one hold in a request, each hold for one sales order, or more than one order line in the sales order.

Release a Hold

Route a request to release a hold from our source system to the hold task.

Check Availability

Send a request to Order Management to determine the quantity that's available on a date in the source system. Order Management sends a reply to the source system that includes these details.

Update Split Fulfillment Lines

You can't use the Order Import web service to update the quantity on a split fulfillment line.

Assume you use Integration Cloud Service to integrate your implementation. The original order line contains a quantity of 100. Global Order Promising analyzes the supply chain and determines the best way to fulfill your order is to split the order into two fulfillment lines, where line 1.1 contains a quantity of 75 and line 1.2 contains a quantity of 25. Promising sends the request to Integration Cloud Service, who then calls the Order Import web service to make the change in Order Management, and Order Management successfully splits the line.

The supply chain is constantly changing. The next day, Global Order Promising analyzes the supply chain again and determines to use a quantity of 60 on line 1.1 and 40 on line 2.2. So you now must change the quantity on line 1.1 from 75 to 60, and the quantity on line 1.2 from 60 to 40.

You use the Order Import service to change the values.

  • source line number = 1, fulfillment line number = 1, quantity = 60

  • source line number = 1, fulfillment line number = 2, quantity = 40

But you encounter a null pointer error because the import can't locate the fulfillment lines.

You use the Order Import service again to change the values but this time specify different source lines so they match the fulfillment lines.

  • source line number = 1, fulfillment line number = 1, quantity = 60

  • source line number = 2, fulfillment line number = 2, quantity = 40

The import updates the quantity on line 1 to 60, cancels line 1.2, and creates a new line 2 with a quantity of 40.

Some time later, you receive a request to update only fulfillment line 1.1. You use the Order Import service to successfully update line 1.1, but the import automatically cancels line 2.

You can only do these kinds of updates to split fulfillment lines in the Order Management work area or through REST API. You can't use the Order Import service to do them.

If you must update a split fulfillment line, then see Use FBDI and REST API to Import Large Volumes of Sales Orders, and see the Display Line Numbers subtopic in Import Different Kinds of Data.