Weight Configure Options When Forecasting Demand

Specify the percent to use when forecasting demand for a configure option.

Assume your market research indicates you expect demand will be about 70% for the 14" screen option and 30% for the 15.6" screen option. Here's your set up.

demand will be about 70% for the 14" screen option and 30% for the 15.6" screen option


  • The sum of the values you set for configure options in a single class must equal 100%.

  • The Planning Central work area uses the value you set when it forecasts demand.

You will modify the CTO_474000 model. Learn how to set it up. For details, see Create Your Configuration Model.

Try it.

  1. Navigate to your configure option.

    • In the Product Information Management work area, click Tasks > Manage Items.

    • On the Manage Items page, search for the CTO_474000 (M1) configuration model, and open it for editing.

    • On the Edit Item page, click Structures, then click Primary.

    • On the Edit Item Structure page, click View, then make sure Component Details contains a check mark.

    • Expand the Build My Laptop model, then click the CTO_474100 screen option.

    • On the Edit Item CTO_474100 page, click Structures.

    • In the Name column, click Primary.

  2. Set the value for the 14" screen.

    • On the Edit Item Structure CTO_474100 - Primary page, expand the CTO_474100 screen model, click the row that contains 14 Inch Laptop Screen in the description column, then click Actions > Edit.

    • In the Edit Components Dialog, set the value, then click OK.



      Planning Percent


  3. Repeat step 2 but set the value for the 15.6" screen.



    Planning Percent


  4. Click Done.

  5. On the Edit Item CTO_474100 page, click Save and Close.

  6. On the Edit Item Structure: CTO_474000 - Primary page, expand the screen option, then verify your values.


    Planning Percent

    CTO_474100 Screen


    CTO_474101 14 Inch Laptop Screen


    CTO_474102 15.6 Inch Laptop Screen


  7. Click Done, then click Save.