Attachment Categories for Changes

You can use attachment categories to control access to certain types of attachments on change orders, change requests, problem reports and corrective actions.

You can define the attachment category at the following levels:

  • All Change Types
  • Predefined change types
  • Change types copied from predefined ones.

For the attachment categories to appear on a change in the UI, you must first create an attachment category and then associate it with a change type.

To create an attachment category:

Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance > Product Management and search for Manage Attachment Categories from the Tasks panel.
  1. Click Manage Attachment Categories and in the page that opens, click Actions > Create.
  2. Enter a Category Name and User Name of your choice and set the module as Changes.
  3. Click the + icon to create an attachment entity.
  4. In the Select and Add: Attachment Entities dialog, add EGO_ENGINEERING_CHANGES_B as an entity.
  5. Click Save & Close.

To associate the attachment category to a change type:

Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Product Management > Change Orders > Manage Change Order Types. Use the Manage Change Order Types task to associate attachment categories to the change type.
  1. Open a change type (for example, ECO).
  2. Navigate to the Policy tab.
  3. From the Attachment Categories section, click Create and select the attachment category that you created earlier.

When the user clicks Category in the Add Attachments panel of the Attachments tab on a change order in Product Development, the added attachment categories appear in the drop-down list. Attachment categories are inherited down the hierarchy of change types.