Available Indexes

The following indexes are available by default:

  • Item
  • Manufacturer
  • Proposals

Item Index

  • Item attributes include main, operational, and extensible attributes such as extensible flexfields and global descriptive flexfields.
  • Additional support for item child object including item category assignments, item relationships, trading partner items, and AMLs.
  • Supports data-level security for items, trading partner items, and item category assignments.
  • Support autocomplete search, provides a list of suggested words based on the text that’s typed in the search box, for item number and item description attributes.
  • All translated data for all installed languages are ingested in the index automatically.
  • All item and inventory organizations are ingested in the index automatically.

Manufacturer Index

  • Manufacturer attributes available for index include header, extensible flex fields and location fields.
  • Manufacturer Part Number and attachments are indexed as data presence indicators.
  • Support autocomplete search, which provides a list of suggested words based on the text that’s typed in the search box. This is automatically provided for manufacturer and manufacturer description attributes.

Proposal Index

  • Proposal attributes available for index include header and application composer attributes.
  • Attachments and relationships are indexed as data presence indicators.
  • Support autocomplete search, which provides a list of suggested words based on the text that’s typed in the search box. This is automatically provided for proposal name and proposal description attributes.