Control Actions by Participants

You can control which actions users can perform at each status in the workflow.

Here are the default participants whose actions you can configure:

  • Creator - is the creator of the change order.
  • Analyst - is the default assignee you can configure for the change type. You can change the analyst when you create the change order (or another change such as change request).

    If you don't configure the default assignee, the user who creates the change order becomes the analyst.

  • Requester - is the user who requested the change order.
  • Portal user - is the supplier portal user.
  • Approver - is the approver of the change order.
  • Other Users - are users other than creators, analysts, requesters, portal users, and approvers; they're users with the Manage Item Change Order privilege.

Add Controls for Roles

In addition to the default controls in the Additional Workflow Controls table, you can add more controls to govern actions by configured roles. You can add up to five configured roles as participants and control what actions they can perform for each status in the change workflow. A new column is added to the table for each role you add.

Here are some examples of roles you can add:

  • Add the role Change Analysts and permit this role to perform all actions permitted for the Analyst (who is the change assignee). This will allow all change analysts to perform the same actions as the change assignee.
  • Add a Product Data Managers role and allow access only to manage affected objects and change header attachments. This allows users in charge of product data to make updates to affected object attributes, and attach a document to the change header (for example, a summary of changes).
  • Add an Operations Management role and allow access to edit change orders that are in Scheduled and Completed status. This allows operations managers to make updates to the change header attachments after the change has been approved. For example, documentation or packaging information.
    Note: Oracle recommends that security administrators don't assign these predefined roles directly to users. Instead, make a copy of a predefined role, remove the privileges that your users don't need, and assign users the role that contains only the privileges they need.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: Change Orders

    • Task: Manage Change Order Types

  2. Select the change type for which you want to add new roles and click Edit.

  3. Click the Workflow tab and select a status.
  4. In the Addition Workflow Controls Table, click Add Controls for Roles.

  5. In the Add Roles dialog box, select the role name and enter a display name. Click OK.

  6. Click Save.

    This creates a new column in the table for the role you added. Now you can define action permissions for the role.

    Note: You must perform these steps for each workflow status and new role.