Set Default Tab and Subtab for an Item

You can set the default tab and subtab in the View Item, Create Item, and Edit Item pages using the Page Composer extensibility functionality. This allows your users to land in a more commonly used tab instead of navigating to the required tab after selecting a task. For example, you can set the Specifications tab as the default tab on the page. This tab will always display by default on the item page instead of the Overview tab. Similarly, you can also set the Supplier Associations subtab as the default on the Associations tab. This subtab will always display by default on the Associations tab instead of the Organizations subtab.

Here’s an example that shows how to set the Supplier Associations as the default subtab when the Associations tab is clicked.
  1. Inside the Sandbox, go to Tools and click Page Composer.
  2. Click the Structure tab. A panel displays at the bottom of the page.
  3. Click on the tab that you want to edit.
  4. Expand <>panelTabbed:above and double-click switcher. A message is displayed asking whether you want to edit.
  5. Click Edit. The Component Properties dialog box is displayed.
  6. Modify the Default Facet name to the facet name of the tab that you want to set as the new default.
  7. Click Apply and then click OK to save the changes.
  8. To modify the default subtab, you must edit the corresponding default subtab component and change the default facet name of the subtab to the required facet name. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6.

For information about Sandbox and Page Composer tool, see Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications: Configuring and Extending Applications guide, available on the Oracle Help Center.

Facet Names for Main Tabs and Subtabs

Here's the table provides the facet names for the main tabs and subtabs.
Main tab/Subtab Facet Names
Main tabs in the item page
Subtabs under the Structure tab
Subtabs under the Associations tab
Subtabs under the Relationship tab
  • GTIN