Set Up Manufacturers and Manufacturer Parts

You must create manufacturers in the application before you create manufacturer parts produced by the manufacturer. Manufacturer parts (manufacturer items) can be related to items.

Any items on a structure can be sourced with parts from the approved manufacturers list (AML).

Manufacturer parts are identified with manufacturer part numbers (MPNs).

You can configure descriptive flexfields and data security policies for manufacturers and manufacturer parts.

You can also use the Manufacturer REST API to create and update standard attributes and location descriptive flexfields for manufacturers.

You can open manufacturer pages in a new user interface (UI) from the Product Development work area. To use this feature, you must enable the feature Search Items Using the New User Interface. Also, you must:
  • Configure a profile value for the profile option code EGP_MANUFACTURER_REDWOOD_ENABLED. You must ensure that the profile value is set to Y for the uses who need access to this feature.
  • Set up the extensible flexfields for manufacturers.
  • Create a data security policy for users who are assigned a configured job role.