New Receipt

The New Receipt page in the Responsive Self-Service Receiving application is segmented into several regions letting you view and enter comprehensive information for your receipt.

  • Add details of your receipt: View and modify the receipt quantity and item UOM.
  • Attachments: Add files and URLs such as an invoice or packing slip.
  • Receipt details: Enter details such as tracking number, packing slip, notes, and receipt date. The tracking number defaults from the ASN if provided by the supplier. The receipt date automatically defaults to the current date, but it can be modified if required.
  • Additional information: Enter descriptive flexfield information associated with the receipt.
  • More details: View details of the order including purchase order, transfer order, shipment, unit price, project number, and so forth.
  • Manufacturer details: View the manufacturer and manufacturer part number associated with an item.

Once you have entered the receipt details, tap the Create button at the bottom of the page to create your receipt. You’ll receive a confirmation toast message displaying the associated receipt number.

Note: To display an item’s unit price, configure the Display Item Unit Price in Self-Service Receiving profile option. A profile value of No indicates that the item's unit price won't display on the New Receipt page. A profile value of Yes indicates that the item's unit price will display on the New Receipt page.