Overview of Brazil Outbound Shipment Fiscal Documents

The Brazilian fiscal government authority has implemented a requirement that a fiscal document (Nota Fiscal in Portuguese) must accompany shipments to document trade between suppliers and customers.

The fiscal document serves as a bill of lading to detail the quantity of items transported from the supplier to the customer (and in the case of reverse flows, from customers to suppliers). It also serves as a proxy invoice from the supplier that documents the material costs, supplier charges, and taxes payable by the customer.

The Brazilian fiscal authority mandates that domestic suppliers and customers retain the fiscal documents for government tax purposes. Companies are also required to retain fiscal documents so that fiscal authorities can review applied taxes on the sale and purchase of goods and services.

Oracle Shipping integrates with fiscal document generation, which is part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials. Fiscal document generation manages the generation and approval of fiscal documents by:

  • Handling fiscal document requests from other systems

  • Obtaining tax information from the tax system

  • Submitting and managing fiscal document approval requests to the fiscal authority (government) system

  • Communicating fiscal document approvals and rejections back to the requesting system

The fiscal document includes the relevant details of a sale, purchase, or transfer of goods between trading partners in Brazil. The fiscal document has a unique ID number, identifies the parties, their locations, and the quantities of goods being transported. Based on information derived from the shipment, you can request fiscal document generation for the associated shipment. You can also monitor the fiscal document approval process, however, you can't ship confirm the shipment until the fiscal document is approved.

Note: Before processing fiscal documents, you must associate an inventory organization with a Brazilian business unit. Shipping determines whether or not an organization is a Brazil organization by checking if the fiscal document generation feature is enabled for a billing business unit. If this feature is enabled for an organization, it's implied that the organization is a Brazil inventory organization.