Pick Release Logs

Use the pick release logs to view details about your submitted pick wave process. These logs also give you a quick and easy way to identify which lines were excluded from being released to your warehouse for picking and why they were omitted.

The log messages are created when pick release is performed using the Schedule Pick Wave scheduled process or the Release Pick Wave scheduled process (submitted by the Add to Release Schedule option on the Create Pick Wave page).

You can find the log file as an attachment in the Process details section of the scheduled process:

  1. From the Scheduled Process page, select your pick wave process.
  2. Go to the Process Details section.
  3. Under the Log and Output heading, click the link to open the Attachments window.
  4. Click the file name to download the log output file.

The logs provide you with the following information:

  • Pick release demand selection criteria
  • Pick release processing parameters
  • Pick release sequence
  • Dynamic SQL statement used
  • Overall count of the shipment lines that we excluded from selection with the reason those lines were excluded

In addition, you can also view the exact shipment line numbers that were excluded if you set the Enable Pick Release Detailed profile option (ORA_WSH_PICK_RELEASE_ESS_DETAIL_LOGGING) to Y. This option is set to N by default.