Pick Waves

A pick wave is a batch of shipment lines that are pick released together based on certain business-related criteria.

Examples of when you might want to use pick waves include:

  • Fulfilling a particular customer demand

  • Optimizing transportation

  • Fulfilling backorders to reduce delay in shipment

Fulfill a Particular Customer Demand

If your organization has customers who have specific quality demands, then you can create a pick wave to perform extra quality checks or follow special procedures during shipping.

Optimize Transportation

You can process a batch of shipment lines that are bound by common ship-to location, shipping method, and shipping priority in order to optimize transportation. If your organization has several customers in one location, then your organization can choose to collect all the shipment lines for those customers and ship them together through a common carrier. For example, if an organization has 10 customers in location B, then it can collect all shipment lines for location B and create a pick wave to ship them together using a common carrier, such as UPS truck service.

Fulfill Backorders to Reduce Delay in Shipment

If your organization chooses to fulfill backorders by putting them on a faster shipping schedule, then you can create a pick wave for all the backordered lines and ship them using a faster shipping method, such as Air.