Quick Shipments

For quicker shipment, you can skip pick release and pick confirmation and ship goods on transfer orders and sales orders.

Perform a Quick Shipment

To perform a quick shipment:

  1. In the Inventory Management work area, click Manage Shipment Lines from the Shipments Tasks panel.

  2. On the Manage Shipment Lines page, search for a shipment line that is in the Ready to release, Backordered, Not applicable, or Planned status.

  3. For the shipment line, enter values for inventory details such as Subinventory, Lot, and Serial. Use Record Serial Numbers from the Actions menu to enter the serial number.

  4. Save the shipment line. The Quick ship status appears as a check box in the shipment line details. The shipment line is no longer available for pick release or to be sent to your warehouse management system, third-party logistics provider, or contract manufacturer.

    Note: If you enter values incorrectly, select Reset Quick Ship Status from the Actions menu to reenter the values.
  5. Select one of the following from the Actions menu:

    Stage Lines

    Stage lines in a staging subinventory for packing, compliance screening, or carrier manifesting before you ship confirm.

    Ship Confirm

    Shipment lines are automatically created, packed, and the shipment is closed.

  6. Close the shipments manually or use the Enterprise Scheduled Process.