Available to Reserve and Available to Transact Values

Use the Manage Item Quantities task to review your Available to Reserve and Available to Transact values. On the Manage Item Quantities page, search for and select an item. Click the View Item Availability button.


Here are the calculations:

  • Available to Transact equals the quantity already reserved and ready to transact.

    Available to Transact = (Quantity On Hand) - Pending Transactions - Reservations

  • Available to Reserve equals the quantity on hand minus the quantity already reserved for other orders.

    Available to Reserve = (Reservable Quantity On Hand) - Pending Transactions - Reservations

Don't Match

Here are some scenarios where the Available to Reserve and Available to Transact values don't equal the on-hand quantity, or appear mismatched in the View Item Availability window.

  • If you see a value in the On-Hand Quantity field, but the Available to Reserve and Available to Transact values equal 0, check the Pending Transactions and Manage Reservations and Picks pages to see if quantity is reserved or pending.

  • If the Available to Transact value equals the On-Hand Quantity, but the value for the Available to Reserve is 0 and no reservations exist, consider these reasons:

    • Is the item lot controlled and is the lot expired?

    • Is the lot material status not allowing reservations?

    • Is the subinventory or locator material status not allowing reservations?

Can't Create Reservations

If the Available to Transact and Available to Reserve values equal the On-Hand Quantity in the View Item Availability window, but you can't create a reservation, then check the following:

  • Is the item restricted to subinventories and locators? If so, is the staging subinventory and locator setup incomplete?

  • Is the item lot controlled? Is the lot indivisible?

  • Does the material status for the subinventory, locator, or lot have a value of Disallows Sales Order Pick?

  • Are there no prior reservations, but the pick release rule checks for prior reservations?