Example of How to Purge Inventory Interface Transactions Using the Scheduled Process

Use the Purge Inventory Transactions Interface process to quickly and easily delete a large volume of pending or error transactions from the inventory interface tables.

Let's look at these steps to purge inventory transactions:

  1. # ./Identify transactions to purge
  2. Purge pending transactions using the Purge Inventory Transactions Interface scheduled process.

  3. Review process log.

  4. Confirm pending transactions were purged.

Identify Transactions to Purge

Here's how to identify transactions to purge.

  1. From the Inventory Management work area, select the Manage Pending Transactions task.

  2. On the Manage Pending Transactions page, click an error transaction number for a transaction type. In this example, let's use the Data Migration transaction type.

    Clicking an error transaction takes you to the View Pending Transactions page. Here you can see how many errors you have for that transactions type. In this example, let's say there are five errors.

  3. On the View Pending Transactions page, let's add the Load Request ID field to the page. From the View menu, select the Load Request ID field to have this field display in the table.

  4. Click a transaction.

    This takes you to the Pending Transactions page. You can also use the value in the Error field on this page to purge pending transactions.

  5. Click Done.

Purge Pending Transactions Using the Scheduled Process

Here's how to purge pending transactions using the Purge Inventory Transactions Interface scheduled process.

  1. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  2. Click the Schedule New Process button.

  3. Search for the Purge Inventory Transactions Interface process.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Enter the process details:

    • Review only: Deselect this check box to purge records.

    • Load Request ID: Enter this parameter to purge transactions with a specific load request ID. You can get this value from the Manage Pending Transactions page, or use the Inventory Stage Transactions Rest resource to get this value.

    • Organization: You can choose to purge the records for a specific organization.

    • Processing status: Select 3 to purge error transactions. Select 1 to purge pending transactions. Select All to purge both error and pending transactions.

    • Error: You can purge transactions for a specific error for a transaction. Get the error number from the Manage Pending Transactions page or Inventory Stage Transactions Rest Resource.

    • From Creation Date and To Creation Date: Purge transactions between two creation dates.

    • Created By: Purge transactions created by a specific user.

  6. Submit the process.

Review Process Log

Here's how to review the process log.

  1. Back on the Scheduled Processes page, click the Refresh button until the job is completed.

  2. Click Attachments under the Log and Output section to review the job details.

  3. Click the text file name. The text file provides a summary of the process. Here are the details in our example:

    • Total number of records deleted: 5

    • Number of records with pending status deleted: 0

    • Number of records with error status deleted: 5

    • Earliest creation date: 16-04-2020 01:55

    • Latest creation date: 16-04-2020 01:55

Confirm Pending Transactions Were Purged

Let's review the pending transactions after the purge process is completed.

  1. From the Inventory Management work area, select the Manage Pending Transactions task.

  2. On the Manage Pending Transactions page, notice that the Data Migration transaction type for pending transactions no longer exists. This indicates that the error messages have been purged successfully from the pending transactions.