Inventory Lot Transactions

When dealing with goods that are under lot control, there are numerous events that might require you to break, combine, or transform some or all of the goods in a specific lot. You can perform lot splits, merges, and translations within Oracle Inventory Management using REST APIs or file-based data import (FBDI).

Inventory Lot Split Transactions

You can use an inventory lot split transaction to split a single lot into multiple lots. For example, you can split a source lot into a single subinventory or among multiple subinventories. The resultant lots inherit their lot attributes from the source lot. However, depending on your business requirements, you can change the resultant lot attributes. This feature is particularly useful if you need to change a lot attribute for selected items within a lot.

An example of when you might want to split a lot is if a weather event causes damage to your warehouse and spoils only a portion of a lot. The damaged portion of the lot is still usable for some, but not all, of your manufacturing processes. Therefore, you need to split this quantity from the original lot and assign new lot numbers to ensure your goods are designated properly for future use.

Inventory Lot Merge Transactions

You can use an inventory lot merge transaction to merge multiple inventory lots into a single lot. For example, if you have four separate lots with similar characteristics, you can merge them into a single lot rather than maintaining four separate lots. The individual item quantities from the four source lots are summed for the resultant lot. The ability to merge lots reduces overhead for your organization, allowing you to manage the inventory lot as a single unit.

An example of when you might want to merge a lot is if you regularly combine multiple lots into a single vat before use in downstream processes. When you merge all of these lots into a single vat, you assign a new unique lot number.

Inventory Lot Translate Transactions

You can use an inventory lot translate transaction to translate a single source lot into a single resultant lot through REST APIs or file-based data import (FBDI). For example, you can use a lot translate transaction to correct lots that have been entered incorrectly. Let's say you incorrectly specify lot A when entering a purchase order receipt. You can perform an inventory lot translate transaction to update the resultant lot to lot B. Inventory lot translate is only supported within an item.

In some industries, a chemical reaction process might require that you change the assigned lot number of an item when the process is complete. In this example, let’s say you complete a work order for item 123 into lot A. After two weeks, the reaction process is complete, and the lot should change to lot B. This change indicates that the item is ready for the next step. The item itself hasn’t changed, and the additional overhead of a work order just to change the lot number isn’t desired. Additionally, you need the lot history retained.

Important Notes

Let's look at these important notes for lot split, merge, and translate transactions:

  • Lot split, merge, and translate is only allowed when there is available quantity for the item.
  • Lot attributes are inherited by the resultant lot and can be overridden if required.
  • Both source and resultant lots must have the same value for the inventory tracking attributes.
  • Serial number-controlled items are supported for lot split, merge, and translate transactions.
  • Disabled inventory lots can be reused for lot split, merge, and translate transactions.
  • Lot translate to a different item isn’t supported.
  • Consigned inventory isn’t supported for lot split, merge, and translate transactions.
  • If the representative lot isn’t specified for a lot merge, the lot with the highest available quantity is used.
  • Lot split, merge, and translate transactions support multiple transaction units of measure.
  • Lot split, merge, and translate transactions support transactions at the inventory locator level.
  • Use Current Cost defaults to Yes can can't be changed for inventory lot transactions.