Overview of Item Attachments

An item attachment is unstructured information related to an item. Examples of item attachments include CAD drawings, test results, specification sheets, or URLs.

Attachments can be any type of file including:

  • Files and folders from your desktop or a configured repository.

  • Text files generated during the attachment process.

    Note: Executable (.exe) files aren't supported.

Attachments can be managed for specific items or revisions of items, all the items for a Master Organization, or all the items for a specific organization.

Managing Item Attachments

Manage attachments for individual items using the following procedure:

  1. Search for and access the item whose attachments you want to manage.

  2. On the Edit Item page, access the Attachments tab and select Item or Item Revision.

  3. From the Actions menu, you can associate new attachments with the item or revision, delete attachments, or modify existing attachments. When you add an attachment, select the file type and attachment category for the attachment and specify a title and description.

    The attachment categories listed in the Category field are restricted to those that are associated with the item class of the item.

    Ensure that you don't inadvertently add the same attachment more than once. It's possible to add attachments with the same title, description, file, or attachment category to the same item or item revision.

    To associate the same file to multiple items as an attachment, select the Shared attribute of the attachment. Once the Shared attribute is selected for an attachment on one item, you can then associate the same file to another item by creating a Repository File/Folder type attachment on the second item and specifying the file's location in the repository.

Item attachments will be available for all the revisions of the item in a particular organization.

Checking Out Item Attachments

To modify an existing attachment, you must first check the attachment out of the file repository.

Only one user can check out a file at any given time. You can only check out the latest version of the file. During checkout, you have the option to download the latest version of the file. When you check in the file, you must upload the modified content from your desktop. If no changes have been made and there is no need to upload a file from your desktop, you can cancel the checkout. The application maintains a version history, displaying a list of all previous versions of the file as well as indicating the attached version. You can open an earlier version to access discarded information or use the earlier version as a basis for creating a new version. Highlight the appropriate attachment and Click the Check Out icon. A message appears, informing you of the version and file that you're checking out.

Download Attachments Using Web Services

You can programmatically download attachments using the GET_FILE request available in the Oracle WebCenter Content service using the following steps:
  1. Get the DocumentURL of the attachment using the Oracle Product Hub Web Services. For example, when you query an item attachment using Items V2 SOAP or REST service, you will get the DocumentURL similar to the following:
  2. Make a note of the following digital signature properties from the DocumentURL:
  3. Call GET_FILE request of Oracle WebCenter Content service to download the attachment by passing the digital signature properties:

    EndPoint: https://server:port/idcws/GenericSoapPort?wsdl

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ucm="http://www.oracle.com/UCM"> 
         <ucm:GenericRequest webKey="cs"> 
            <ucm:Service IdcService="GET_FILE"> 
                  <ucm:Field name="dID">18XX74</ucm:Field> 
                   <ucm:Field name="XFND_SCHEME_ID">1</ucm:Field> 
                   <ucm:Field name="XFND_CERT_FP">432XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX9F2</ucm:Field> 
                   <ucm:Field name="XFND_RANDOM">=-79XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX43</ucm:Field> 
                   <ucm:Field name="XFND_EXPIRES">15XXXXXXXXX83</ucm:Field> 
  • The digital signature expires after 10 minutes. Therefore, you must download the attachment file before the digital signature expires. If the digital signature expires, then you can call Oracle Product Hub web services once again to get the DocumentURL with the new digital signature.
  • Only the user who gets the DocumentURL by calling the Oracle Product Hub web service can use the digital signature properties to perform the GET_FILE request to download the attachment.