Analyze Landed Costs

Compare and evaluate landed cost trends and variances, including material costs and third-party charges, across business units, inventory organizations, and routes.

You can view landed cost variances and charge analyses in the Landed Cost Management work area on the Analyze Landed Cost Charges page and on the Analyze Landed Cost Variances page. You can analyze landed cost charges and variances based on key dimensions, such as the following:

  • Item Category

  • Item Name

  • Charge Name

  • Supplier

To analyze landed cost variances, complete the following steps.

  1. From the Navigator menu, select Receipt Accounting.

  2. From the Tasks panel, select Manage Landed Cost Processes.

  3. Run the process Summarize Landed Cost Data.

    This process prepares landed cost data for multidimensional analysis.

  4. From the Tasks panel, select Analyze Landed Cost Variances, and complete the required search fields.

  5. In the View Landed Cost Charges By list select Business Unit.

    The page displays the landed cost charge data, including the accounted amount, estimate amount, and actual amount in an expandable tree table.

  6. Click on the Trends icon to display the data in graph format.