Cost Rollup Scope

Cost rollup is the process of adding the material, resource, and overhead costs to obtain the total manufacturing cost per unit. When creating a cost scenario, you can set one of these cost rollup scopes that the Roll up Costs process must consider.

  • All Items - The process rolls up costs of all the items with an active work definition in the production plant. This rollup scope is only applicable in the case of cost scenarios for regular items.

  • Unprocessed Purchase Orders and Work Orders - The process rolls up costs of manufactured configured items and procured configured items if new work orders and purchase orders are generated, respectively. This rollup scope is only applicable in the case of cost scenarios for configured items.

    With this rollup scope you can also define a date from which work orders and purchase orders must be considered for cost rollup. Only work orders with a start date on or after the defined date and purchase orders with an approval date on or after the defined date will be considered for cost rollup.

  • Selected Items - The process rolls up costs of only the selected items. In the case of cost scenarios for configured items, if you select a base model, the costs of all configured items associated with the base model get rolled up.

  • Selected Item Categories - The process rolls up costs of the items from the selected category.

  • Where Used - The process rolls up costs of only those manufactured items that have changes in the component costs or resource rates. This is especially useful when you want to avoid changing standard costs of items that aren't impacted by component cost changes. In the case of cost scenarios for configured items, you can select the items and resources to ensure that only configured items which consume the selected items and resources are considered for cost rollup.

    This rollup scope is also helpful for simulations that help you understand the impact of component costs change on the costs of the manufactured items, while keeping the costs unaffected by manufacturing work definition changes.

Additionally, in the case of cost scenarios for regular items, you can define whether the cost rollup is for a single level or not. If you choose single-level rollup, the process rolls up the cost of only the first level of the item structure for selected items. This helps in calculating the cost of specific items without recalculating cost of its sub-assemblies. When creating a cost scenario, if you don't select single level rollup, the process rolls up the costs of the selected items and all the corresponding subassembly.

Note: Rollup applies only to work definitions of type Standard. Work definitions of type Rework and Transform won't be rolled up.