Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accrual

The Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accrual process creates pairs of debit and credit accounting entries to accrue for receipts of purchase orders that are set to accrue at period end.

You can monitor the uninvoiced receipt accrual amounts in preparation for period end by running the process in the Report accrual run mode. However, you must run the process in the Accounting accrual run mode to create the final accrual distributions, preferably after you have closed accounts payable for the period ensuring the period end accruals accounted are for the same value that you've reviewed.

Each time you run the Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accruals process, data is created for reporting that you can review by running the Uninvoiced Receipt Accrual Report.

Note: For a selected period, if you run the process in the Accounting mode, you can't run the process again in the Report mode. The subsequent runs of the process for the selected period must be in the Accounting mode.
  1. In the Receipt Accounting work area, select the Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accruals task.

  2. Enter appropriate values for the parameters listed in the table.

    Parameter Description
    Bill to Business Unit You can run the process for a specific Bill to Business Unit. Only the data for the profit centre business units of the Bill to Business Unit to which you have data access and have pending transactions will be processed. If you don't have data access to the selected Bill to Business Unit, the process ends with Warning status.
    Accrual Run Mode You can run the process in the Report or Accounting mode. When you run the process in the Accounting mode, the final accrual distributions are created and ready to be posted to the General Ledger.
    Accounting Period The accounting period for which you want to run the process.
    Period End Accrual Cutoff and Accounting Date Enter the period end accrual and accounting cutoff date. If you don't select any date, the last date of the accounting period is considered as the cutoff and accounting date.
    Commit Limit Enter a commit limit to fine tune the size of processing sets.
    Include Purchase Order Status Select the purchase order status to filter the purchase orders that must be considered for creating the period end accrual amounts.
  3. Click Submit.

The process creates the accounting distributions, which can be reviewed on the Review Receipt Accounting Distributions page. On the Review Receipt Accounting Distributions page, search for transactions with the transaction type Period End Accrual. You can scroll down on the page and select the Distributions and Journal Entries tabs to view the accounting details.