Landed Cost Management Tasks

The following table describes the tasks and processes to support landed cost management. You can access these tasks and processes in the Receipt Accounting work area.



Manage Trade Operations

Create and edit trade operations to capture landed cost charges associated with purchase order receipts of material. You can manually add the purchase order schedules to the trade operations or you can associate the advance shipment notices (ASNs) with the trade operations.

Review Purchase Orders for Landed Cost

View material purchase orders from Purchasing and associated charges, and create trade operations for the purchase orders.

Manage Charge Invoice Associations

View invoices that are automatically associated with trade operation charge lines, identify and correct mismatched invoices, create trade operations, and associate them with invoices.

Manage Landed Cost Processes

Schedule the processes to associate and allocate third-party charges to trade operations.

Review Landed Cost Processes

Review landed cost processing details, parameters, and errors.

Manage Trade Operation Templates

Create and edit templates of trade operations and the associated charges.

Reconcile Landed Cost Charges

View PO schedules and receipts where the related third-party charges are over or under-allocated and absorbed, and run the process to adjust the discrepancies.

View Item Landed Cost

Review purchase order receipts of goods, related third-party charges, total landed costs, and the variances between estimated and actual landed costs.

Analyze Landed Cost Charges

Compare and evaluate landed cost trends, including material costs and third-party charges, across business units, inventory organizations, and routes.