Receipt Accrual Clearing Rules

Define accrual clearing rules to clear accrual balances automatically. Accrual balances are often of unknown origin and unpredictable. With accrual clearing rules you can specify when accrual balances should be cleared and written off.

The Clear Receipt Accrual Balances process scans for applicable rules on the transactions, and clears the balances when rule criteria are met. The following discusses the creation of accrual clearing rules using predefined attributes, and illustrates the results with an example.

Note: You must ensure that the corresponding general ledger period is open before running the Clear Receipt Accrual Balances process. If the period is closed, then the accrual clearing is moved to the next open period. If no other period is open, then the event will fail with error. Before closing the general ledger period, you must ensure that all the events in Receipt Accounting are fully accounted.

Predefined Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are available in the Accrual Line tree in the Conditions browser:

Attribute Name


Purchase Order Distribution Identifier

Purchase order structure is based on the hierarchy of purchase order header > purchase order line > purchase order schedule > purchase order distribution. The accounting for purchase order transaction is at the lowest level of purchase order distribution. The accrual and charge account codes are defined at this level. Invoices are matched and accrual is offset at the PO distribution level.

This attribute represents the PO distribution ID on the PO document.

Percentage Over-Invoiced

At each purchase order distribution level, receipt accounting tracks the original ordered quantity, total received quantity, and total invoiced quantity.

Percentage Over-Invoiced Quantity represents the condition: IF (Net Rct qty - Invoice Qty) < 0 then ABS(NetRecptQty - InvoiceQty)/ NetRecptQty

Percentage Uninvoiced

At each purchase order distribution level, receipt accounting tracks the original ordered quantity, total received quantity, and total invoiced quantity.

Percentage Uninvoiced Quantity represents the condition: IF (Net Rct qty - Invoice Qty) > 0 then ABS(NetRecptQty - InvoiceQty)/ NetRecptQty

PO Status

Status of the purchase order document. If the PO status is Finally closed, then it's treated as Closed. You can define the accrual clearing rules based on the PO Status.

PO Match Option

Invoice match option defined on the purchase order schedule. It can be PO or Receipt.

Invoice Age

Days or time since the latest invoice was recorded for a purchase order distribution.

Receipt Age

Days or time since the latest receipt was recorded for a purchase order distribution.

Over-Invoiced Quantity

When the invoiced quantity is greater than the ordered quantity, it represents the difference between the two: IF (Net Rct qty - Invoice Qty) < 0 then Over Invoiced Quantity = ABS(InvoiceQty - NetRecptQty)

Under-Invoiced Quantity

When the invoiced quantity is less than the ordered quantity, it represents the difference between the two: IF (Net Rct qty - Invoice Qty) > 0 then Under Invoiced Quantity = ABS(NetRecptQty - InvoiceQty)

Percentage PO Accrual Amount

The balance in the accrual account for a PO distribution divided by the accrual value for the ordered quantity: Sum(accruals in CMR and AP)/PO amount

PO amount = Net Order Qty * PO Price

Accrual Clear Amount

Value of balance in an accrual account for a PO distribution. Net of accrual amount credited in Receipt Accounting and that debited in Accounts Payable. To clear debit balance enter a positive number and for credit balance enter a negative number.

Total Invoice Accrual Amount

Absolute value of balance (net of invoices and debit memos) in an accrual account in Payables Subledger for a PO distribution.

Total Receipt Accrual Amount

Absolute value of balance (net of receipts, corrections and returns) in an accrual account in Receipt Accounting Subledger for a PO distribution.

PO Distribution Number

This attribute represents the PO distribution number on the PO document, such as 1, 2, and so on, and is different from the Purchase Order Distribution Identifier.


Supplier name on the purchase order document.

Supplier Site

Supplier site code on the purchase order document.


Item on the purchase order line.

Item Category

Item category on the purchase order line.

Accrual Amount Difference

Difference in accrual amount credited in Receipt Accounting and that debited in Accounts Payable.

Purchase Order Schedule Identifier

The identifier of the PO Schedule that uniquely identifies a PO Schedule number of PO.

Invoice Accrual Amount

Accrual amount debited on invoice in Accounts Payable for the item price.

Invoice Nonrecoverable Tax Amount

Accrual amount debited on invoice in Accounts Payable for the nonrecoverable tax.

PO Line Number

Line number on the Purchase Order Line.

Nonrecoverable Tax Amount Difference

Difference in the nonrecoverable tax amounts booked in Receipt Accounting and Accounts Payable for a PO Distribution.

Inventory Organization Code

Code that uniquely identifies a Inventory Organization.

PO Total Amount

Total amount on the Purchase Order.

PO Number

Unique identifier for the Purchase Order.

PO Quantity

Quantity ordered from the Purchase Order.

Purchase Basis

The basis on which the purchase is done.

Received Accrual Amount

Amount received for PO distribution.

Received Nonrecoverable Tax Amount

Nonrecoverable tax in the amount received for PO distribution.

PO Shipment Number

Schedule in purchase order indicating place of delivery.

Invoice Quantity

Quantity invoiced for PO Distribution.

Invoice Recoverable Tax Amount

Recoverable tax amount on the invoice for a PO distribution.

Received Quantity

Quantity received for a PO distribution.

Received Recoverable Tax Amount

Recoverable tax amount on the receipt for a PO distribution.

Procurement Business Unit

Business unit performing procurement business function.

Purchase Order - Deliver to Location

Delivery location on the purchase order schedule indicating place of delivery.

Profit Center Business Unit

Indicates the business unit which serves as the profit center.

PO Destination Type

Destination type on the PO which can be inventory, expense, manufacturing or drop ship.

Item Description

Description of the item on the purchase order line.


This example illustrates the distributions for a purchase order with associated receipts and invoices.

The following table describes the purchase order details:

PO Header


Supplier Site



Advanced Network Devices

New York

Open/Close/Final Close

The following table describes the purchase order lines:


Item Category

PO Price

Ordered Quantity


Raw Materials

100 USD

100 EA

The following table describes the purchase order schedules:


Order Quantity

Match Option



100 EA

Order or Receipt


The following table describes the receipts and invoices:


Ordered Quantity

Received Quantity

Invoiced Quantity

Accrual Account


Receipt 1






Receipt 2






The following table describes the purchase order distributions and accrual balances:

PO Distribution

CMR Accrual Amount (A)

AP Accrual Account (B)

Accrual Clear Amount (C) = (A-B)

Under-Invoiced Quantity

Over-Invoiced Quantity

Percentage Under-Invoiced

Percentage Over-Invoiced

Percentage PO Accrual Amount (C)/Ordered Quantity*PO Price

Distribution 1

58*100 USD = 5800 USD

55*100 USD = 5500 USD

300 USD

60 - 55 = 5

Not Applicable

5/58*100 = 8.62%

Not Applicable

300 USD/60*100 = 5%

Distribution 2

40*100 USD = 4000 USD

45*100 USD = 4500 USD

(500) USD

Not Applicable

45-40 = 5

Not Applicable

5/40*100 = 12.50 %

500 USD/40*100 = 12.50 %

The following table describes the Rule 1:





PO Status




Percentage Under-Invoiced

Less Than


Not Applicable

Results: The PO Status and the Percentage Under-Invoiced values meet the criteria of Rule 1; therefore the accrual balance of 300 USD is automatically cleared.

The following table describes the Accrual Amounts Cleared Based on Rule 1:

PO Distribution

CMR Accrual Amount (A)

AP Accrual Account (B)

Accrual Clear Amount (C) = (A-B)

Under-Invoiced Quantity

Over-Invoiced Quantity

Percentage Under-Invoiced

Percentage Over-Invoiced

Percentage PO Accrual Amount (C)/Ordered Quantity*PO Price

Distribution 1

58*100 USD = 5800 USD

55*100 USD = 5500 USD

300 USD

60 - 55 = 5

Not Applicable

5/58*100 = 8.62%

Not Applicable

300 USD/60*100 = 5%

The following table describes the Rule 2:





PO Status




Accrual Clear Amount

Less Than

Absolute (1000) USD


Percentage Under-Invoiced

Less Than



Percentage Over-Invoiced

Less Than


Not Applicable

Results: The PO Status, Percentage Under-Invoiced, and Accrual Clear Amount Absolute values meet the criteria of Rule 2; therefore the accrual balances of 300 USD and (500) USD are automatically cleared.

The following table describes the Accrual Amounts Cleared Based on Rule 2:

PO Distribution

CMR Accrual Amount (A)

AP Accrual Account (B)

Accrual Clear Amount (C) = (A-B)

Under-Invoiced Quantity

Over-Invoiced Quantity

Percentage Under-Invoiced

Percentage Over-Invoiced

Percentage PO Accrual Amount (C)/Ordered Quantity*PO Price

Distribution 1

58*100 USD = 5800 USD

55*100 USD = 5500 USD

300 USD

60 - 55 = 5

Not Applicable

5/58*100 = 8.62%

Not Applicable

300 USD/60*100 = 5%

Distribution 2

40*100 USD = 4000 USD

45*100 USD = 4500 USD

(500) USD

Not Applicable

45-40 = 5

Not Applicable

5/40*100 = 12.50 %

500 USD/40*100 = 12.50 %