Get the Results You Need

If you don't get the results you need when you check availability, then use these guidelines to help you get them.

Consider Priority

Consider the promising results for your lower priority lines before you change a higher priority line. If promising for the lower priority line meets your needs, then schedule it. Changing a value for a higher priority line might affect a lower priority line, so Promising automatically expires the lower lines when you change a higher priority line.

Give Promising More Options

The less specific you are, the more flexibility you give Promising to deliver the item on time. Here's how you can be less specific:

  • Don't specify a ship from warehouse
  • Don't specify a shipping method
  • Allow splits
  • Allow substitutions

For details, see Guidelines for Using Supply Chain Search.

Modify Your Rules

Check Availability might find more than one way to fulfill your item, but it only displays one result for each line, and the result it displays provides the least amount of delay while using the rules that you have specified.

  • Available-to-promise rules
  • Sourcing rules
  • Allocation rules

These rules affect availability. You might need to modify them to meet your availability requirements. For details, see See How Promising Estimates Availability.

Examine Data in Your Supply Chain

Changing values on the line can only go so far in meeting your availability requirements. Use the Review Supply Availability action and the Review Supply Allocation action to get details about the supply and allocation that's available in your supply chain. For details, see Overview of Managing Demand.

Set the Priority

Promising returns a result for each fulfillment line that minimizes the lateness for each line in your batch of lines. Promising processes each line in the batch sequentially, according to the Original Priority attribute and the Override Priority attribute on the Check Availability page.

Fulfillment for higher priority lines might affect fulfillment for lower lines because Promising pegs the higher priority lines first, and that removes the supply that's available to the lower priority lines. But not to worry, you can override the original order priority.

Promising displays the original priority in multiples of 10, such as 10, 20, 30, and so on. To override the original priority, you can insert any number between the multiples of 10 in the Override Priority attribute.

Assume you have three order lines and their priorities are 10, 20, and 30. The lowest number has the highest priority, so Promising will process line 1 first, then line 2, then line 3. Let's say the customer on line 3 is your highest priority customer, so you want to process line 3 first. Here's how you can do that.

Order Line Original Priority Override Priority
1 10 10
2 20 20
3 30 5

If you refresh, then Promising will process line 3 first, then line 1, then line 2.

Note that the Check Availability page in the Order Management work area doesn't display the order priority in multiples of 10. Instead, it displays priority 1, 2, 3, and so on.

Change Values on Fulfillment Lines

Use the Order Management work area to change values for these attributes on the fulfillment line.

Attribute Description
Requested Ship From Warehouse

Remove the value, and Promising can use any warehouse.

Change the value, and Promising will use the warehouse that you specify to source the item.

Removing the value gives Promising the most flexibility and has a better chance of promising the item on time. It means Promising can use your rules and item attributes to identify possible warehouses.

Requested Shipping Method

Remove the value, and Promising can use any method, such as rail, air, and so on.

Removing the value gives Promising the most flexibility and has a better chance of promising the item on time. It means Promising can use your rules and item attributes to identify possible methods.

Demand Class Change the value so Promising can consider some other demand class, and that means Promising can look at other supply.
Allow Substitution

Enable this option so Promising can look at supply for another item.

For details, see Specify Supply Details for Sales Orders.

Allow Splits Enable this option so Promising can consider splitting the fulfillment line into more than one line, then use different promising results for each line.

Remove Lines from Shipment Sets

Order Management ships all lines in a shipment set together on the same date, using the same shipping method. The Check Availability page displays lines in a shipment set in a hierarchy.

  • You can click Actions > Remove from Set to remove a fulfillment line from the set, refresh, then examine the results to determine whether the results improve for the set, identify which lines cause delay, and so on.
  • The Check Availability page displays each removed line as a separate line in your batch of lines. You can ship the removed line on a different date, and use a different shipping method to ship the line.
  • If you remove a line, and then schedule it individually outside of the shipment set, then Promising sends the line to Order Management with the new schedule, and as an individual line that's no longer part of the set.
  • You can add a line that you removed from a set back to the set.
  • If a line wasn't originally part of the set, then you can't add it to the set.