Past Due Demand and Supply

You can use these attributes to control the past due demand and past due supply that Promising considers when it promises your item.

  • Past-Due Demand Considered in Days
  • Past-Due Supply Considered in Days

We have found that most implementations use a value between 10 and 90 and set both attributes to the same value.

Past Due Demand

Past due demand is demand that has a scheduled date that happens before today's date. Its already past the due date. For example, if today's date is January 15, and if the scheduled date is January 10, then the demand is already past its due date.

If you:

  • Don't enter a value for this attribute, then Promising ignores all demand that has already past the due date.
  • Enter a value in this attribute, then Promising will consider past due demand up to the days that you enter. For example, if you enter a value of 10, and if today's date is January 15, then Promising will consider all demand that has a scheduled date that happens after January 5, but won't consider any demand that has a scheduled date that happens before January 5.

Promising won't consider any past due demand that happens before the number of days that you specify.

Past Due Supply

Past due supply works just like past due demand, except that past due supply is usually in a purchase order where the expected date happens before today's date. For example, you expected Supplier A to provide 10 units of the AS54888 Computer by January 10, but today is January 15, so the supply is 5 days past due.

If you:

  • Don't enter a value for this attribute, then Promising ignores all supply that has already past the expected date.
  • Enter a value in this attribute, then Promising will consider past due supply up to the days that you enter. For example, if you enter a value of 10, and if today's date is January 15, then Promising will consider all supply that has an expected date that happens after January 5, but won't consider any demand that has an expected date that happens before January 5.